2022-09-12 Meeting Minutes - User Experience

2022-09-12 Meeting Minutes - User Experience


  1. Julie Mandal (Chair), Conestoga College

  2. Holly Sarvari, OCLS

  3. Geoff Brown, Niagara College

  4. Louis Lacelle, La Cité

  5. Tiffany Millar, Confederation College

  6. Jennifer Floyd, Sault College

  7. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  8. Aura Hill, OCLS

  9. Lauren Rupert, OCLS Consultant


  1. Shannon Arsenault, Northern College

  2. Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College

  3. Travis Winwood, Algonquin College

  4. Stephanie Black, Lambton College

  5. Christine Chiasson, Mohawk

Action Items

@Liana Giovando and @Jmandal to bring the Briefing Note LC terms to be Suppressed to the ISC for approval
@Liana Giovando and @Jmandal to make a recommendation to the ISC that a special working group be created to implement Resource Sharing in Colleges.
Everyone is encouraged to complete the following survey: Microsoft Forms

Discussion Items

Update from Implementation Steering Committee

  • User Experience - This subcommittee is proud to announce that they are ready to present the Briefing Note LC terms to be Suppressed in the next ISC Meeting.

  • Metadata and Cataloguing Subcommittee - The Metadata and Cataloguing Subcommittee are now meeting weekly in order to work through the CLO Metadata Standards and make them available for public consumption. The subcommittee is also working on drafting workflows which can be used to place records into the Network Zone.

  • Systems, Analytics and Data - The System, Analytics and Data Subcommittee has completed their Briefing Note NN - Management of Alma & Primo VE Sandboxes. This briefing note will be brought to the upcoming Implementation Steering Committee Meeting for Approval.

  • General

    • Ex Libris is offering a Knowlege Acceleration Program - to learn more, please refer to this article: Register: Ex Libris Knowledge Acceleration Program. To register, please click here.

    • Mohawk and Niagara appear to be on track to implement Alma in the April of 2023

    • Discussion about the future of the Page 1+ subcommittees and committees, more to follow below.

Update Briefing Note LC terms to be Suppressed (Liana)

  • Discussions that occurred during the creation of this briefing note:

    • Which terms to suppress in Primo VE - We are utilizing Main’s list of suppressed subject headings (this is just a starting point - the selected terms have not been deemed more important than others, they were arbitrarily picked)

    • Who has the right to suppress terms? - There are several voices who should speak about which terms should be suppressed, especially the Decolonize the College Catalogue Subcommittee and the Indigenous Matter Committee (just within CLO).

  • As of right now, our approach of using the Main list to choose terms from and suppress has been approved - this is an interim solution, and long-term solutions are being discussed and considered.

  • Moving Forward:

    • It has been suggested by the Decolonize the College Catalogue Subcommittee and the Indigenous Matter Committee that a special working group be created where multiple groups can join forces to make a more comprehensive group to address the issue of suppressing terms.

    • We are looking to create a more coordinated, collaborative and comprehensive approach in the future.

    • Possibility to the Met/Cat subcommittee selecting terms and bringing them to the Decolonize the College Catalogue Subcommittee and the Indigenous Matter Committee for approval

    • There will be a form of the guide where the changes to records can be seen - allowing library staff to have a history of terms. The users will only see the correct terms.

  • This briefing note will now be pushed out to the public

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando and @Jmandal to bring the Breifing Note to the ISC for approval

Update on Resource Sharing

  • Resource Sharing is Almas version of ILLs

  • Originally we were looking to survey how often lending, lending requests and responding to requests to requests were occurring. However, this survey was not sent out as we were not sure what we would be looking to accomplish.

  • Currently, resource sharing is enabled in the Network Zone; however, it is turned off at the college level. Having Resource Sharing disabled at the Institution level prevents colleges from making Resource Sharing Requests or receiving/fulfilling Resource Sharing requests.

  • We are contemplating making a specialty working group that will help to enable resource sharing across all colleges at the same time. Enabling resource sharing would be an all-or-nothing matter, and all colleges would have to enable it at the same time. This would likely have a timeline of a year.

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando and @Jmandal to make a recommendation to the ISC that a special working group be created to implement Resource Sharing in Colleges.

Future of the UX Subcommittee

  • ACTION ITEM: We request that you complete the following survey: Microsoft Forms. If you think that there is anything missing, please feel free to express your thoughts or concerns by contacting lgiovando@ocls.ca or Jmandal@conestogac.on.ca

  • At this point in time, it does not appear that we are going to be an ongoing subcommittee. Instead, several of our responsibilities will be subsumed into other subcommittees. It is most likely that the other responsibilities of this group will be fulfilled by working groups which will be struck for specific projects (which will have specific goals and timelines)

CLEAR Update (Holly)

  • A response to the question of character limits has been provided. The character limit is 400.

  • There is still ongoing research and testing taking place into CLEAR - more information will be coming.

Any Other Business?

  • At this time, we are not sure if there will be another meeting or if this is our final meeting - so don’t get too far away. Please keep checking your inbox for subcommittee invites and attend if you can.

Parking Lot Items

  • No Items