2022-04-26 Meeting Minutes - User Experience

2022-04-26 Meeting Minutes - User Experience


  1. Julie Mandal (Chair), Conestoga College

  2. Travis Winwood, Algonquin College

  3. Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College

  4. Stephanie Black, Lambton College

  5. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  6. Aura Hill, OCLS


  1. Holly Sarvari, OCLS

  2. Jennifer Floyd, Sault College

  3. Louis Lacelle, La Cité

  4. Shannon Arsenault, Northern College

Action Items

@Lisa Di Barbora will update https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/474349571 and notify subcommittee members when ready for final review via email.
Subcommittee members to review the updated Overarching Statement Briefing Note and provide any additional feedback before the next meeting.
@Aura Hill to add discuss Suppressed Subject Headings List Briefing Note to agenda for next meeting.


Discussion Items

Welcome Geoff!

Niagara college is joining the consortium but will be implementing at a later date. Geoff is joining the User Experience subcommittee as a Niagara College representative.

Update from Implementation Steering Committee

The ISC discussed and approved https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/311656449/Briefing+Note+NN+-+OCLS+Managed+Import+Profiles+for+e-Resource+Collections+Not+Found+in+the+Alma+Community+Zone

Branding project is moving ahead but coming to final options.

Discuss https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/474349571

Summary of the Problem has not changed. Since public field notes are designated for other things, they are not an option.

Lisa developed several other options with pros and cons:

1. Add statement to the default homepage of Primo VE view.

2. Add statement to custom help page and include help link on home page.

3. Add statement to custom help page and include help link on Links menu.

From web design perspective, every college has unique set of users and needs for their homepage. We could allow flexibility by letting them select the option that works best for them. The recommendation could be that each college select one of these three options and implement for Go Live.

ACTION ITEM: Lisa will update https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/474349571 and notify subcommittee members when ready for final review via email.

ACTION ITEM: Subcommittee members to review the Overarching Statement Briefing Note and provide any additional feedback before the next meeting.

Review and assign person to complete https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/475856937

Lisa has completed part of the briefing note as it was related to the Overarching Statement Briefing Note.

The Configuration part is straightforward and Ex Libris provides clear instructions on how to suppress terms. However, developing/maintaining a list of terms is more challenging, as well as developing a process for how the list & updates would be communicated, as least in the long-term.

Potentially some colleges may already have a list. For those that do not have a list, we could reuse a list that one of the colleges has already developed or see if the Decolonizing the Catalogue Committee already has a list . We could host the list in Confluence or the LibGuide potentially. Communication of additions to the list would need to be communicated somehow as well, potentially via Confluence, but that may not be a long-term solution.

ACTION ITEM: Aura to add to agenda for next meeting.

Any other business: ILL Survey

When should the ILL Survey go out? It is ready to be circulated. There are concerns that information from the ILL survey may be needed to inform the Cutover Surveys.

Update: Aura has confirmed with Liana that the ILL Survey is not urgent. Ex Libris has enough information for the initial configuration for ILL.

Parking Lot Items

  1. ILL Survey

  2. Discovery Working Group? - a group to guide colleges through decisions related to Primo that will help facilitate user access to resources and ease library staff decision making fatigue.



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