2022-06-21 Meeting Minutes - User Experience

2022-06-21 Meeting Minutes - User Experience

Please Note: This meeting has been moved from 2022-06-20 due to a scheduling conflict



  1. Julie Mandal (Chair), Conestoga College

  2. Holly Sarvari, OCLS

  3. Geoff Brown, Niagara College

  4. Jennifer Floyd, Sault College

  5. Louis Lacelle, La Cité

  6. Travis Winwood, Algonquin College

  7. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  8. Aura Hill, OCLS

  9. Lauren Rupert, OCLS Consultant


  1. Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College

  2. Shannon Arsenault, Northern College

  3. Stephanie Black, Lambton College

  4. Tiffany Millar, Confederation College

Action Items

@Tiffany.Miller (Unlicensed) to propose the initial 5 terms to be suppressed and email to the subcommittee members.
@Jmandal to bring the draft of suppressed terms to the ISC
@Liana Giovando to add the suppressed terms list to the ISC agenda
@Jmandal to create a “disclaimer” note for the draft of suppressed terms clarifying that these are not necessarily the “most important”, they are simply 5 terms that we decided to start with.
@Travis Winwood to reach out to colleague about choosing initial 5 terms
@Liana Giovando to contact Ex-Libris about a meeting/Study Group for Configurations and IZ Decisions post Go Live

Discussion Items

Update from Implementation Steering Committee

ISC - The ISC is currently working on creating a governance system for Page 1+ post Go Live

Metadata and Cataloguing - Met/Cat continues to work on the bibliographic standards for colleges to use. They have established that there will no longer be “minimum” standards to follow - instead, they are providing “required” and “recommended” standards.

E-Resources - E-Resources is currently performing extensive testing on e-resources. There are plans for Ex-Libris to be at a Study Group to provide more explanation on physical acquisitions.

Systems, Analytics and Data - Currently, SAD is soliciting input on reports that individuals run in their current ILS, what reports they would like to see run through ALMA, the possibility of sharing report templates, and creating automation.

Training, Communications and PR - Addressing library expectations around staff training, colleges are expected to do their own staff training using the LibGuide materials we have provided as a template. There will be a special Study Group on Staff Training on June 29th. There will be a special Study Group about Communications and Branding tomorrow (June 22).

Briefing Note Draft: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/475856937

  • Proposal: The suppressed subject terms list (just 5 terms to start) be made by the UX Subcommittee for the Decolonize the College Catalogue Committee to review and amend. Take the information given by the Decolonizing the College Catalogue committee and make a more finalized list. After which the reviewed and revised list of terms be submitted for review by CLO and IPEC.

    • Purpose: Create a starting point to prevent stalling in the suppressed terms process.

  • Once decisions have been made we will assist in communicating decisions, and how these decisions will take effect.

  • Currently looking for recommendations and creating the first draft of that list.

  • Looking to establish who should be creating and reviewing this list and where this list will be kept.

  • ACTION ITEM: @Jmandal to bring the draft of suppressed terms to the ISC

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to add the suppressed terms list to the ISC agenda

  • ACTION ITEM: @Jmandalto create a “disclaimer” note for the draft of suppressed terms clarifying that these are not necessarily the “most important”, they are simply 5 terms that we decided to start with.

  • ACTION ITEM: @Travis Winwood to reach out to colleague about choosing initial 5 terms

Resource Sharing Page 1+ Resource Sharing Setup

  • Next Steps - Communication to the colleges about resource setup and configuration instructions

  • Ex-Libris has set up baseline configuration settings for physical resource sharing. There are several different physical and electronic resource sharing options - however, this will be the one that will exist at Go Live. Resource Sharing can be revisited and revised after Go Live has occurred.

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando to contact Ex-Libris about a meeting/Study Group for Configurations and IZ Decisions post Go Live

Any other Business (AoB?)

Input for the CLEAR Service Proposal (Holly)

  • Proposal for OCLS CLEAR (College Library Electronic Access Rights) Service - a tool which allows an easily understandable document about what particular resources can and cannot be used for.

  • Currently looking at what this service will look at in the instance of ALMA and Primo. It appears that the CLEAR link is input into the “public notes” section in Alma and is then displayed in the Primo view for patron use.

  • Question Posed: should the language “Permitted Uses” be changed for user clarity - Conclusion: it is clear enough and can be left as is.

  • Question Posed: should the CLEAR information launch in a new tab when selected (accessibility concerns pertaining to screen readers. - Conclusion: other colleges do have the “open in another tab” enabled when dealing with links, so its probably okay

ILL Survey

  • There is currently no time to make more changes before the ALMA configuration freeze, decisions will have to be after the Go Live date

Parking Lot Items

  1. Discovery Working Group? - a group to guide colleges through decisions related to Primo that will help facilitate user access to resources and ease library staff decision-making fatigue.



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