2022-08-04 Meeting Minutes - User Experience

2022-08-04 Meeting Minutes - User Experience


  1. Julie Mandal (Chair), Conestoga College

  2. Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College

  3. Holly Sarvari, OCLS

  4. Jennifer Floyd, Sault College

  5. Liana Giovando, OCLS

  6. Aura Hill, OCLS

  7. Lauren Rupert, OCLS Consultant


  1. Shannon Arsenault, Northern College

  2. Geoff Brown, Niagara College

  3. Louis Lacelle, La Cité

  4. Travis Winwood, Algonquin College

  5. Stephanie Black, Lambton College

  6. Tiffany Millar, Confederation College

Action Items

@Tiffany.Miller (Unlicensed) to propose the initial 5 terms to be suppressed and email to the subcommittee members.

Discussion Items

Update from Implementation Steering Committee

E-Resources: The E-Resources Subcommittee presented a briefing note regarding https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/uQgFaW8q in the NZ to the ISC which has been accepted

Systems, Analytics and Data: Currently the SAD Subcommittee is looking into different kinds of reports focusing on the CLO annual reports. They are seeking to find pre-made reports that can be used when running college-specific and CLO reports. They hope to create a collection of CLO reports that can be used collectively rather than individually.

Metadata and Cataloguing: The Met/Cat Subcommittee has created the CLO Metadata Standards which are now being placed into a publically accessible form. Currently, the CLO Metadata Standards will live on a Page 1+ specific LibGuide.


Review Permitted Use Service Proposal

  • A few suggestions were made by those in attendance

    • Italics should be removed for accessibility

    • “Opens in New Window” text could be changed to an icon instead to declutter the page

  • Clarifying questions

    • What can and cannot be deleted or added to the Public Notes Section

      • CLEAR Notes cannot be deleted

      • Multiple Public Notes fields are possible so notes can be added

    • What is the space/what are the constraints of the Public Notes field

  • The overall consensus is that the briefing note looks very good

Updated on Draft BN - LC Terms to be Suppressed

  • As of the last meeting, everything has been sent up - though the 5 terms have yet to be selected

  • Since then we have received resources several resources. It has been decided that one in particular LCSH Changes in MAIN is particularly helpful - it is a collection of terms that can either be suppressed, deleted or changed/modified. The next step may be to refer colleges to this resource and allow them to make decisions about what they will suppress and delete rather than a list we make ourselves.

  • At the moment terms cannot be added; however, we can terms can be changed and deleted.

  • It may be beneficial to recommend a workflow/process on how colleges can maintain/use the list referred to above

  • Future: We are hoping to address this again in September

Resource Sharing Configurations in NZ and IZs

  • For information as to what a Resource Sharing model may look like, please refer to the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/ies2hjhb

    • The document outlines decisions that have come from Ex Libris forms and discussions with colleges on what Resource Sharing should look like.

  • On August 16th Ex Libris will be offering a weekly training session on resource sharing demonstrating to attendees how to adjust their “preferences” and settings for resource sharing

  • Quick Poll of if weekly training sessions from Ex Libris are useful: general consensus appears to be “no” as there is too much information. A longer period between sessions could generate the space for more thoughtful consideration, testing and question construction.

Any other items

  • The next meeting will take place in September, the August 22nd meeting will be cancelled. The September meeting date is tentatively September 12th; however, this will be re-evaluated based on attendance capabilities.

Parking Lot Items

  1. ILL Survey

  2. Discovery Working Group? - a group to guide colleges through decisions related to Primo that will help facilitate user access to resources and ease library staff decision-making fatigue.



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