2022-05-10 Meeting Minutes - User Experience
Julie Mandal (Chair), Conestoga College
Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College
Stephanie Black, Lambton College
Holly Sarvari, OCLS
Jennifer Floyd, Sault College
Louis Lacelle, La Cité
Travis Winwood, Algonquin College
Liana Giovando, OCLS
Aura Hill, OCLS
Shannon Arsenault, Northern College
Action Items
Discussion Items
Update from Implementation Steering Committee
https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/362643457 was approved. Branding Briefing Note with final recommendation from TCPR for a name will be put forward this week.
Discuss/Approve https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=474349571
Some further edits were made to clarify that colleges have a choice as to how they implement the overarching statement. Lisa confirms that it is fine to use Humber’s statement as an example.
The subcommittee agrees that briefing note is final ready to go to ISC.
Discuss Edits to https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/475856937
Ask Decolonizing the Library Catalogues Subcommittee to choose 5 terms and add them to a new LibGuide page for list of suppressed terms . This list would be a minimum standard, easy to pick and get colleges to agree and implement just 5 terms. Once a year, they add 3-5 more terms when added, all colleges get an alert via the OCLS ListServ. Then colleges are responsible for updating.
Colleges that have already have lists and their own schedules can continue with their own work, and add other “consortium” terms if not already done.
OCLS may have to update NZ Primo instance, if these changes apply to those records. The frequency and amount of terms could be increased after initial structure/process has been built.
ACTION ITEM: Lisa will add the workflow to the Briefing Note in two weeks
ACTION ITEM: Liana will reach out to Patricia (head of Decolonizing the Library Catalogues Subcommittee), to describe proposal and looking for terms to include for initial.
ACTION ITEM: Lisa to consider how to test Network Zone offensive subject heading suppressions with OCLS.
The subcommittee is ok with implementing terms after Go Live. On May 30, everyone will report back on the progress for their work items.
Developing guidance for EDS colleges to prepare for Primo VE
It was raised in ISC meeting that the experience of those moving from EDS to Primo, it may be quite different. It maybe helpful to EDS colleges to prepare them to transition to Alma. This could be a blog post or Confluence page for colleges that rely on EDS. It would be more efficient to provide one document vs several.
Two EDS colleges:
Algonquin - difficult to say if it would be helpful - linking is the major concern
Sault - only 1 library staff working on EDS, interested more for students and faculty
The suggestion is to poll EDS users and create a special working group with EDS users, and involve TCPR to help create training material. There are numerous topics so need more information about what would be helpful. UX would need specifics about what they need from Primo.
ACTION ITEM: Julie will bring the EDS Guidance discussion back to ISC.
ILL Survey
Resource sharing will be discussed at the May 17 Weekly Project Meeting. The PMO has shared base resource sharing configuration settings with Ex Libris based on UX subcommittee information. Ex Libris will share information about baseline settings in that meeting. It is agreed to delay ILL Survey until after that meeting.
Parking Lot Items
Discovery Working Group? - a group to guide colleges through decisions related to Primo that will help facilitate user access to resources and ease library staff decision making fatigue.