2022-08-30 Meeting Minutes.

2022-08-30 Meeting Minutes.


  1. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  2. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  3. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  4. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  5. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  6. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  7. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  8. Lauren Rupert (OCLS - Guest Notetaker)


  1. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  2. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  3. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  4. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  5. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)

  6. Aura Hill (OCLS)

Action Items

Please review the Briefing Note NN - Management of Alma & Primo VE Sandboxes in anticipation of its presentation in next week’s meeting.
If you have not yet submitted your response to the Aubs and Mug’s end-of-project feedback form please do so before September 9th: https://airtable.com/shrgnF3AvB62Xaw2S
@vroy and @Liana Giovando to determine a specific definition and confirmed discount with Ex Libris for those ‘light users’.
@vroy and @Liana Giovando to continue to work on bringing information between Ex Libris and the committee
@Leigh Cunningham (Unlicensed) to speak to the e-resources steering committee about the future of the subcommittees/what they are already doing and what they may need to do in the future

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates (Julie, Leigh, Dijana, Gordana, Jane)

eResrouces: The eResources has no updates to report. The next meeting for this subcommittee is scheduled for next Thursday, September 8th.

Metadata and Cataloging: The Met/Cat subcommittee is now meeting weekly again and they are continuing to work through the CLO Metadata Standards. While we will be keeping the comprehensive excel sheet for those who are expert catalogers there is also a ‘user-friendly' tool being made in LibGuides for beginner catalogers.
Met/Cat is also working to produce draft workflows these records will provide guidelines for how to create records in specific instances - the ambition is to create a comprehensive set of workflows to ensure uniform cataloging across the consortium.

Systems, Analytics, and Data - The Systems, Analytics, and Data subcommittee have completed a briefing note surrounding the use of sandboxes. There are now 4 pairs of sandboxes and their purposes are outlined in the briefing note.
There are ongoing discussions concerning the use of one sandbox pair for LIT training purposes in the first year.
To view Briefing Note NN - Management of Alma & Primo VE Sandboxes please click here.
ACTION ITEM: Please review the Briefing Note NN - Management of Alma & Primo VE Sandboxes in anticipation of its presentation in next week’s meeting.

OCLS Update (Virginia)

The OCLS team is continuing to undertake and complete the required post-implementation activities.
The is an ongoing series of Page 1+ Service Proposal meetings taking place - concerning possible OCLS services and cost forecasts.
OCLS and the PMO Office are having discussions to establish and understand their roles within the support structure going forward. Specifically, trying to define what will be the responsibility of OCLS and what will be the responsibility of Ex Libris. This is done in the hope to make expectations around support communication clearer to colleges.
The PMO is currently testing different discussion forum apps to act as a means of college-to-college communication to replace Basecamp

Named Users Update (Virginia/Liana)

Liana and Virginia met with Melissa Hilardson of Ex Libris to discuss the Named Users questions.
Upon request, Ex Libris dug a little deeper into their business model in regard to determining cost. Ex Libris recognizes that there are different kinds of users - some being more involved than others, some having a more frequent turnover rate than others; however, their business model (and pricing) is not based on user type just user numbers.
There is no foreseeable problem in the immediate and middle future. In the future, if we exceed our number of named users there will not be an automatically incurred cost; instead, they will work with us to establish what is occurring and how the situation can be solved.
A glimmer of hope! Ex Libris acknowledged that there is a difference between user types and may be willing to do a discounted model for those users who have a ‘lighter’ involvement, or allow us to have more ‘light users’ for the same fee.
Liana and Virginia have also met with the head support services - they have seen the Tier One and Tier Two structures of service, and the philosophy of support. There are also support organizations for Alma users and for central managers/consortiums.

ACTION ITEM: @vroy and @Liana Giovando to determine a specific definition and confirmed discount with Ex Libris for those ‘light users’.
ACTION Item: @vroy and @Liana Giovando to continue to work on bringing information between Ex Libris and the committee

OCLS Knowledge Acceleration Program / Alma & Primo VE Optimization Program (Liana)

A quick reminder to register for the Knowlege Acceleration Program - this training is meant for those who have recently gone live with Alma/Primo
The Knowlege Acceleration Program will take 6 weeks, and will run from October 26th - December. They will take place on Tuesdays at 9 am.
Please continue to share this information with everyone in the consortium.
To learn more about the Ex Libris Knowlege Acceleration program please click here

There is likely to be another set of training that will take place 6 months to a year after the Go Live date.

Switch to Support (Liana)

At present we are aiming for the switch to support to take place the week of September the 19th, if a delay needs to happen it will not be more than a week.
The Last Weekly Project Meeting will take place on September 20th and will be an intro to the support team, and the support portal. When this occurs basecamp will no longer be the default and be ‘closed’ meaning there will no longer be the capability to create new content - however, pre-existing content will still be available for viewing and export.
Each college has submitted its Health Checklist. The support team will now accept these checklists and then switch support. Predominantly the switch to support relies on Ex Libris' completion of steps before the colleges can be moved.

Mohawk/Niagara Implementation Schedule (Liana)

Mohawk and Niagara are beginning their onboarding on September 19th!
They are scheduled to Go Live in May of 2023
The timeline and project planning are ongoing

Alma D & Leganto Implementation Planning (Liana)

The process for Alma D has been officially scheduled, we are just waiting on an implementation date.
We are looking at a cluster implementation approach, where multiple colleges migrate at the same time - this cluster may benefit colleges financially and in collaborative decision-making. There may need to be more than one cluster depending on college needs
There was a proposal to strike a new working group (sooner rather than later) to aid in this implementation.

The process for Leganto is still in its beginning phases, there is no implementation date set as Leganto is still waiting for a subscription confirmation from us.

Liana Vacation

Liana will be beginning her vacation this Thursday, September 1st, and will be returning Monday, September 12th.

CLO Organization with Page 1+

The Governance Committee working is on a new chart that displays possible committees going forward.
The Committee is establishing the difference between a Standing Committee and a Working Group, their longevity, purpose, and reporting structure.
One proposal is that the New Steering committee(s) would oversee and create the working groups based on identified needs and the steering committees would report to the CLO 20 on progress and specific agendas. The second proposal is that there will be no steering committees and instead allow the CLO 20 to decide when working groups and needed and what they would be doing.
ACTION ITEM: @Leigh Cunningham (Unlicensed) to speak to the e-resources steering committee about the future of the subcommittees/what they are already doing and what they may need to do in the future

[any other items?]

Parking Lot (optional)

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