2022-07-26 Meeting Minutes

2022-07-26 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  4. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  5. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  6. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  7. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  8. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  9. Aura Hill (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  2. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)

  3. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  4. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando and @Jmandal to prepare proposal by email to Cheryl regarding Briefing Note on LC Subject Terms to Suppress.
UPDATE: Proposal is ready - preparing to send out.
@vroy to send out OCLS Page 1+ Service Proposal Overview presentation for review by attendees.
UPDATE: Moving service activities as discussed and also adding some estimated financial information.
@Aura Hill will coordinate the website changes and add to agenda to discuss rotating images next week.
@vroy to look at GOBI agreement to see if reference to union catalogue and get a legal perspective. And see what other consortiums have done.
@Aura Hill to add Ex Libris Named User Meeting Update to the next agenda.

Discussion Items

Go Live Day!!! (& “Soft Launches”)

  • Everyone accepted their data and Alma nd Primo is live as of this morning. Up to libraries if they direct users to Primo or not. There is a lot of clean up work that needs to be done. Some issues with SIS - didn’t plan for own staff user migrations, printers. OCLS has completed their GO Live took some time to be indexed in Primo VE but happening bit by bit today. There are also issues with NZ e-Resources showing in college’s Primo properly.

  • We expect lots of questions coming up - OCLS and Ex Libris are ready to assist.

  • Some colleges are planning to launch later on after they have had time to fix any significant issues.

Subcommittee Chair Updates (Julie, Leigh, Dijana, Gordana, Jane)

UX: No updates this week. Their work is still in progress.

E-Res/Acq: No updates this week. They are meeting this Thursday.

Met/Cat: They no longer need a working group for NZ/IZ Guideline. Danielle is drafting the Guideline instead. CLO Metadata Standards are 99% done but there are still some obscure formats to be done. They will be discussing friendlier version of standards tomorrow, as well as what group will look like in the future. They have a new member joining from Algonquin. They will also discuss Plan B for Connexion (e.g. Bookware).

TCPR: The communications plan is on track and reminders have been sent to colleges. Page1plus.ca is live. Changes requested by ISC:

  • The links on the college/library icons should go directly to college libraries and adjust text to say “college library”

  • Change picture to coffee cup girl for today

  • Create a rotating slideshow of pictures instead of just one

ACTION ITEM: Aura will coordinate the website changes and add to agenda to discuss rotating images next week.

SAD: They are continuing to work on recreating reports from suggestions from colleges in Alma Analytics. They have identified higher priority reports (required for CLO Assessment Report) related to circulation, inventory and finances. This reports will only be useful for colleges with this data in Alma for now.

Gobi Agreement for contributing records to the NZ (Dijana)

Dijana has a meeting with Gobi and they stated that all records from Gobi cannot be shared in the NZ according to Gobi. NZ has records from lots of different sources. Humber had contract with OCLC and that is where majority records came from. They may have a very small number of Gobi records in their system. Virginia and Dijana will continue conversation offline.

ACTION ITEM: Virginia to look at GOBI agreement to see if reference to union catalogue and get a legal perspective. And see what other consortiums have done.

Trademark Briefing Note (Liana) - deferred

Mohawk/Niagara Onboarding has Begun (Liana)

They met with Maria from Ex Libris and have started onboarding. They are expecting an updated project plan soon. Their Go Live date is planned for May 2, 2023.

Consider a working group for Alma-D (Liana/Virginia)

Alma D requires separate implementation with Ex Libris. All colleges would need the same implementation date, but once implemented, they can determine their own date to start using it. The request is for the ISC to mandate a new working group for Alma-D with members that are experienced using MODS and/or digital repositories. They could also be members of CORe user group as they have some expertise with the MODS schema. There maybe crossover with E-Resources/Acquisitions subcommittee. Some colleges are migrating from one repository to another, some colleges it’s totally new, so they may need different levels of support.

ACTION ITEM: Everyone to identify potential members and Aura will add Alma-D working group to the next agenda.

Named Users Survey Results and Discussion with Ex Libris (Liana/Virginia)

  • Virginia and Liana are meeting with Ex Libris this week to attempt to negotiate more named users. This topic will be a priority for contract discussions going forward. For first 3 years, it looks like we will be ok with 400 seats according to the survey.

  • They also negotiated more users for Mohawk and Niagara that could be added to the pool.

  • It is suggested to do an annual clean up and reminder at thee system level.

  • Liana and Virginia will provide an update next week on conversation with Ex Libris and obtain numbers from remaining colleges as well.

ACTION ITEM: Aura to add Ex Libris Named User Meeting Update to the next agenda.

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