2022-08-02 Meeting Minutes

2022-08-02 Meeting Minutes


  1. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  2. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  3. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  4. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  5. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  6. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  7. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  8. Aura Hill (OCLS)


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  3. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)

  4. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  5. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

Action Items

@vroy to send out OCLS Page 1+ Service Proposal Overview presentation for review by attendees.
UPDATE: Updated presentation with links to updated service descriptions will be provided this week.- next meeting on Aug 9 dedicated to OCLS Services discussion
@vroy to look at GOBI agreement to see if reference to union catalogue and get a legal perspective. And see what other consortiums have done. UPDATE: Deferred to next meeting
@Aura Hill to have Lauren make website change to rotating selection of images.
@Gordana Vitez will bring Page 1+ need for post Go Live Discussion Forum to CLO Executive to see reflection on CLO larger project for an improved platform.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates (Julie, Leigh, Dijana, Gordana, Jane)

UX: They have not met due to Civic holiday, but will meet later this week.

SAD: They assigned shared reports to individuals to see how they translate in Alma Analytics and prioritized CLO Annual reports. They will look in Alma to see if it already exists. If not, then they will see if/how can the report be created in Alma.

Met/Cat: The CLO Metadata Standards are ready. They will reside in the Page 1+ LibGuide as a user-friendly version. They discussed a proposal to have Springshare consortial subscription. Dijana also shared that Conexxion subscription may not be realized. They are looking into Plan B, considering Bookware. Danielle shared Loyalist’s experience with Bookware. Georgian is using it, so Dijana will reach out to them. Bookware cannot be integrated into Alma, but it can be added at Z39.50. It’s not as seamless as Conexxion. More discussion is required.

TCPR: Congrats to Humber, Cambrian & Boreal for amazing video!

There are also Quick Reference templates available on the LibGuide. The Launch Communication Plan is completed, but all draft content will remain on the LibGuide.

E-Resources: Many e-resources not working due to indexing issue. So they discussed the next steps for subcommittee. Also, shared import profiles that OCLS created for Curio, Audio Cine Films (ACF) and Criterion-on-Demand and are up and running. Nicole from OCLS will provide info on popular shared subscriptions to identify more packages for import profiles. They are also working on guidance for setting up deposit account funds in IZs. They have a briefing note https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/0STUX0K2 for approval. It recommends that OCLS makes a slight change in the NZ. The change will- make package titles discoverable in Primo. Right now only databases (according to strict ExL definition) come up in Primo. It should be an advantage for all colleges.

DECISION: The ISC approves https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/0STUX0K2.

OCLS Update (Liana)

OCLS focus on service proposals on how OCLS will be supporting Page 1+ going forward. Feedback is being incorporated into presentation including more details on descriptions and preliminary financial information. Next meeting will be dedicated to this topic.

Virginia and Liana met with the VP, Client Services last week. LG and VR also met with some colleges to gather feedback. They have more meetings planned. There was feedback was that there was a lot of information presented in the Alma Workshop. It felt overwhelming and maybe was too early in the project.

CDI Indexing Update (Liana)

The CDI indexing issue from last week has been resolved. When they published CDI index, they did it without NZ resources which is why there was an issue. They re-ran CDI, but took longer than expected. By Sunday, it was working as it should. Indexing in NZ and IZ are running as they should. The problem was escalated quickly and to a high level. Ex Libris informed everyone via Basecamp about the progress on resolving the issue regularly. There are still smaller issues that were pre-identified are now being worked on.

ExL Knowledge Acceleration Program (KAP) (Liana)

As a follow up to Alma Workshop, KAP is a series of sessions covering a variety of Alma topics for libraries that have gone live recently. Sessions will take place over Oct - Dec. The sessions include all library staff (but not Mohawk & Niagara). We have requested if there could just be one that was Page 1+ only, but that is not confirmed. Libraries should make time for staff to attend.

http://page1plus.ca Image Choices (Aura)

The ISC would like to use the Aubs & Muggs images. They like the student focus and aligning with other brand images. There is always an option to change in the future.

ACTION ITEM: Aura to have Lauren make website change to rotating selection of images.

Continued Discussion Forum Post Go-Live

In the fall, there will need to be a transition to a different communication platform/approach as Basecamp will not be the place to ask for help (Ex L will stop monitoring) and will be archived eventually.

There are the following needs:

  1. Continued discussion forum for colleges (e.g. Basecamp-like message board function) to share ideas, solutions, have discussions between colleges

  2. Location for documentation

  3. OCLS would like some help desk functionality

It is suggested to develop a recommended framework for support that would instruct colleges on how to request support. For example when they go to OCLS, when they go to Ex Libris, etc.

This need for discussion form has a bigger impact as it is a need that CLO is addressing as part of their assessment of CLO set up. A solution could be used by all projects under CLO as well as create a continuous flow of information and links to OCLS. There is a need for a comprehensive tool, but due to timelines, Page 1+ will need a new platform for Sept/Oct.

ACTION ITEM: Gordana will bring Page 1+ need for post Go Live Discussion Forum to CLO Executive to see reflection on CLO larger project for an improved platform.

Alma-D Working Group (Liana/Virginia)

A reminder for ISC members to think about who would be potential members of the working group, who has experience with metadata schema (MODS), etc.


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