2022-03-07 Meeting Minutes - Discovery/Customer Service/Front End
Julie Mandal (Chair), Conestoga College
Shannon Arsenault, Northern College
Jennifer Floyd, Sault College
Louis Lacelle, La Cité
Travis Winwood, Algonquin College
Holly Sarvari, OCLS
Liana Giovando, OCLS
Aura Hill, OCLS
Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College
Stephanie Black, Lambton College
Action Items
Discussion Items
1. Update from Implementation Steering Committee
Reminder that branding presentation is happening on March 9 at noon where naming directions will be presented. Contact ahill@ocls.ca if you would like an invitation
2. Review Draft ILL Survey https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/427589642
Add purpose of the survey at the top
Include pandemic and pre-pandemic in questions 1 and 2
Add time periods to questions 1 and 2 (take from last question)
Ask about potential road-blocks for the different resources sharing models. i.e. cyber security?
Asking about their actual ILL policies, if they have one
Consider incorporating Ex Libris Resource Sharing Questionnaire - no relevant questions were found
The subcommittee would like to send out the survey to all 18 colleges.
ACTION ITEM: Liana to move ILL survey into Microsoft Forms.
3. Discuss findings from Travis and Katrina’s ask ILL staff if they know of consortium ILL policies
Centennial is part of a consortium of Ontario colleges and universities and we do not lend to or borrow from other Ontario institutions or any libraries outside the province.
Algonquin has a local agreement with Universities and public libraries in the area that they use often. Otherwise they rarely go outside the Ontario College system.
4. Discuss Ex Libris Resource Sharing Questionnaire
The survey was provided to OCLS but OCLS suggested that colleges are a better source of information. The subcommittee determines they will fill out the survey and then determine if further consultation with the colleges is needed.
Liana has captured answers answered so far.
5. Discovery Working Group? - a group to guide colleges through decisions related to Primo that will help facilitate user access to resources and ease library staff decision making fatigue.
Is this committee interested in planning and guiding decisions for the rest of the colleges regarding Discovery?
Do the colleges want a NZ Primo Instance? What are potential use cases for a NZ Primo Instance?
- Deferred
6. Other Items for Discussion
- Subcommittee name?
- Deferred