2022-06-02 Meeting Minutes

2022-06-02 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

  4. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  5. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  6. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  7. Gordana Vitez (Subcommittee Chair - Systems/Analytics/Data)

  8. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  9. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  10. Aura Hill (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  2. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)

  3. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando@Aura Hill will reformat https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/b1EvAnK1 to match the Briefing Note format.
@Aura Hill to add Page1+ Steering Committee Model to the next meeting’s agenda to continue the discussion.

Discussion Items

Welcome Gordana!

Gordana is welcomed to the group as a new member of ISC and as chair of the SAD Subcommittee.

Subcommittee Chair Updates

Met/Cat: They continue to revise the Min. Bibliographic Standards. There - impact beyond this group. Will rename to College Libraries Ontario Metadata Standards because it is not just 20 colleges that the standards are for, but all 24. This also supports the implementation of Decolonizing efforts across all colleges, etc. They will start meeting every week at there is a lot of work to be done before Go Live. OCLS service proposal will be reviewed next time.

Briefing Note for Connexion Subscription

https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/b1EvAnK1 has been reviewed by Metadata/Cataloguing Subcommittee and ready for ISC to consider. The commitment is to investigate the subscription but financial part would be discussed and approved when pricing details are available. Only involves importing records via Z39.50. Participation in Worldcat is not included.

DECISION: The https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/b1EvAnK1 is approved

ACTION ITEM: Aura/Liana will reformat https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/b1EvAnK1 to match the Briefing Note format.

SAD: No update.

UX: They welcomed Tiffany Miller who will work on offensive terms to be suppressed. The subcommittee would like to start with 5 terms initially. Aura and Lauren will create a section in LibGuide for the suppressed terms. The Briefing Note will be finalized and brought to ISC. It still needs to be determined who will be involved in managing and maintaining the list in the future.

Resource Sharing

Resource sharing was introduced as decisions need to be made regarding the configuration settings in NZ and IZs. Resource sharing is currently set up so that colleges can maintain status quo as per CLO Reciprical Borrowing Agreement of borrowing physical resources. Ex Libris needs to know if Resource Sharing should be activated for Go Live or turned off. They provided report to review in terms of decisions that need to be made. The reaction of the UX Subcommittee is that there not enough time for them to research and make recommendations before Go Live. Liana’s proposal is for her to do the research herself and bring recommendations to ISC for decisions needed for Go Live. Leigh comments that they do not want students thinking they can request resources from other institutions when they are not really available.

E-Resources/Acquisitions: They had more conversations about testing workflows. Nicole from OCLS shared new reporting issues form for feedback and spreadsheet of current issues that all colleges can see and review. Also, they are working on ERM workflow and NZ vendor record distribution will be tested. See OCLS-Managed Vendor Records - Testing Acquisitions Workflow.

TCPR: They are working on finalizing launch plan and setting up a Page 1+ Ambassadors meeting, which will have the train- the-trainer approach. College liaisons and directors will be invited with a message to send a delegate if they cannot attend and also to invite any college marketing personnel. The meeting will be recorded as well. The Branding asset package for institutions are being prepared and will be provided soon. Talking points will be provided as part of Ambassadors training. Leigh had positive response to brand at college-wide conference at St. Lawrence.

Jane will be presenting about Page 1+ at OCCCIO on June 6 to college CIOs.

Centennial is proposing close for one day of training for all library staff in person. Algonquin is having a weekly training meeting until Go Live. Fanshawe has been doing large chunks of training, as well as one-on-one already. They are looking into T-shirts and other promo material. St. Lawrence are doing a weekly check-in/Q&A. Jane requested a Pride version of the logo. Virginia will look into T-shirts for everyone.

OCLS Update

Service Proposals

OCLS is continuing work on service proposals. Metadata Management Service Proposal is now with Met/Cat for feedback. It focuses on establishing stewardship over metadata in the system. The Page 1+ Consortium Service Proposal is meant to services previously provided via Sirsi Consortium but in the new Page 1+ world.

Trademark Update

The law firm, BLG said that the French version doesn’t pose any increased risk. OCLS will go ahead and register the trademark but it cannot be done until the system is available to students at Go Live. OCLS must be considered a public authority which BLG still needs to confirm.

Page1+ Steering Committee Model

The Governance Working Group has proposed 1 steering committee and keep rest of work as much as possible to be done by working groups organized around specific projects. Some exceptions may exist, such as Met/Cat will be standing committee and maybe e-Resources.

The focus of the last meeting was the structure of the steering committee. There were 2 options that were equally supported. They are looking for feedback on what the other directors would prefer:

Option 1: A representative from each college (20 members) and meet 3 times a year (Planning, Budget, Rewards/Metrics). It would be very focused meetings at director level - not so operational. Decisions can be made in working groups.

Option 2: A smaller, more versatile group as the steering committee that meets more regularly (like current ISC) as there will be a need to make decisions quickly and easily.

Gordana asks if Option 1 is really needed with CLO having meetings 5 times a year. The smaller and nimbler group can take bigger advisory decisions to CLO at their existing meetings. Otherwise seems like CLO meets 8 times a year. They would need to see how much of the agenda would be available at CLO. But the Steering committee would have agency to make many decisions and only escalate to CLO for significant decisions (budget, branding, etc). John sees the logic in reducing meetings as a big group.

ACTION ITEM: Aura to add Page1+ Steering Committee Model to the next meeting’s agenda to continue the discussion.

ISC Member Vacation Plans https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/544866307 - deferred

New Meeting Day & Time - deferred

Parking Lot (optional)

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