2022-04-14 Meeting Minutes

2022-04-14 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Katherine Marceau (Subcommittee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

  4. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  5. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  6. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  7. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  8. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  9. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  10. Aura Hill (OCLS)

  11. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)


  1. Gordana Vitez - Niagara College


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  2. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – User Experience)

Action Items

@vroy to work with the PMO, Dijana and OCLS to create a high-level document that would describe that would formalize OCLS role and responsibility and circulate to ISC.
@Liana Giovando / @Aura Hill to request CLO add tab for Alma & Primo Guide on CLO website.
@Liana Giovando to talk with Dijana for sharing material and questions from Humber CLSP Update.
@Liana Giovando to connect these colleges and see if other colleges would like to join Community of Practice around Curriculum Builder and Alma Migration.
@Jane Burpee, @Jessica Bugorski@Liana Giovando to meet and work on draft plan. @Aura Hill to note that it should be added to agenda for May meeting.

Discussion Items

Welcome Gordana!

Welcome Gordana and Niagara College as officially part of the consortium! Virginia advises that things are also going well with Mohawk joining.

From Previous Action Items - Formalization of OCLS authority of Network Zone

OCLS’s recommendation would be for strong policies and standards for NZ where adherence is expected from the colleges.

ACTION ITEM: Virginia to work with the PMO, Dijana and OCLS to create a high-level document that would describe that would formalize OCLS role and responsibility and circulate to ISC.

Subcommittee Chair Updates

TCPR: Branding project is going well. There will be another naming presentation on Monday with visuals. Training group is working on expanded version of the LibGuide for next week.

ERes/Acq: They are working on testing e-resources via a few group sessions and developing guidance. They will also be revising and reviewing the draft https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/311656449, which will also go to the Met/Cat subcommittee for feedback next week.

Dijana informs the ISC that Humber College is presenting a full CLSP update to all staff next week.

ACTION ITEM: Liana to talk with Dijana for sharing material and questions from Humber CLSP Update.

OCLS Update

OCLS is working on service proposals related to Network Zone. They are also having conversations about managing capacity differently to devote more time to learning Ex Libris and may scale back in certain areas to devote time to new services. The intention is to reduce any impact to the colleges as much as possible, but there may be some mild effects. OCLS is preparing an update to communicate any temporary scaling back and identify dependencies.

3rd Sandbox for LIT Students

The third sandbox will be provided by Ex Libris and does not incur any extra costs. The timing for Ex Libris will implement third sandbox after Go Live. The timeline is accepted. The process/management of the Student Sandbox, and other Sandboxes will still need to be determined and documented.

Draft Briefing Note from eRAcq Subcommittee (Liana)

The e-Resources/Acquisitions Subcommittee will review a revised version of the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/311656449. It will be brought the to ISC for discussion and approval in the April 21 meeting.

Leganto (Liana)

There is a demo Scheduled with Seneca on Friday, May 6th. It will include back-end operations and engaging faculty. Before May 6, Liana recommends having a plan in place with details about when Leganto could be implemented, decisions that need to be made, etc.

ACTION ITEMS: Liana to follow up with Ex Libris about Alma D and Leganto timelines and implementation options.

Should we support colleges using Curriculum Builder / Reading List Builder? If so, how?

Algonquin, Fanshawe and George Brown could work together to share information about a solution for filling the gap being created by not being able to use Curriculum Builder post Go Live.

ACTION ITEMS: Liana to connect these colleges and see if other colleges would like to join Community of Practice around Curriculum Builder and Alma Migration.

Governance Structure

A more detailed plan for governance structure post Go Live needs to be developed in the coming months as there may be impact from vacation, etc. CLO Executive is discussing governance structure as well.

ACTION ITEM: Jane, Jess, Liana to meet and work on draft plan. Aura to note that it should be added to agenda for May meeting.

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