2021-12-02 Meeting Minutes

2021-12-02 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  4. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  5. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  6. Rachel Caldwell (Subcommittee Chair – Discovery/Customer Service/Front End)

  7. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  8. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  9. Thomas Guignard (OCLS) Aura Hill (OCLS)

  10. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  2. Katherine Marceau (Subcommittee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

Action Items

@Jane Burpee to send briefing note on hiring branding firm to ISC when complete.
Everyone to identify recommended branding companies, if possible, and provide to Jane by next meeting.
@Liana Giovando to put Met/Cat briefing note in Confluence and provide link to ISC
Everyone: If you have feedback on newsletter, please provide as soon as possible so we can get newsletter out this week.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates


Leigh is working on a strategy for draft briefing note. It will propose creating a working group/committee with college representatives that would be responsible for managing collections that are not in the Community Zone for collections identified as high priority and where records are available from the vendor. This proposed group would continue after implementation.

TCPR Subcommittee

The branding survey is still in progress with 10 respondents out of 18. All respondents are in favour of shared branding. Jane will send out about a reminder about the survey and bring the Briefing Note for approval at the next ISC meeting. A few library-related options for companies to approach have been identified.

ACTION ITEM: To identify recommended branding companies, if possible, and provide to Jane by next meeting.

SAD Subcommittee

The subcommittee worked on the Implementation Details for College IT Departments page, which included adding some dates with Ex Libris IT consultant meetings and supporting colleges with their IT departments. For colleges that can’t export data in .xml file as Alma requires, solutions are being investigated, as well as a back-up solution that will convert from Sirsi to the needed file type. The subcommittee has been asked to Briefing Note for analytics for a system-wide approach for patron data. Also, there is a vacancy on the subcommittee.


They have developed a new draft Briefing Note – Standardization of Shared bibliographic records and Local fields/ Recommendations on Minimum Standards/Best Practices Reference Tool, which is supported by subcommittee. It will be loaded into Confluence and distributed to ISC for review.


ACTION ITEM: Liana to put Met/Cat briefing note in Confluence and provide link to ISC

Customer Service/Front End/Discovery

Dijana mentions that there may be interest in standardizing the approach to overdue fines and lost book fees for CLSP. This may be something for this subcommittee to consider.

OCLS Update

OCLS will provide some content for the CLSP Update Newsletter. Holly will be moving to Customer Services subcommittee to fill an OCLS vacancy and Nicole will take her place on the E-Resources/Acquisitions subcommittee.

CLSP Update for CLO (Liana)

CLSP Update is a new newsletter for library leadership not necessarily involved in the project. Feedback is to keep the newsletter as short as possible and to make sure to highlight project is on track.

ACTION ITEM: If you have feedback, please provide as soon as possible so we can get newsletter out this week.

Acquisitions Data Communication (Liana)

Original source data has a lot of errors. Data is being migrated, but it will be ugly. Colleges can go into Sirsi to fix records individual but 1000s of records. OCLS can help with batch jobs, but data clean up will have to be prioritized as there is more clean up data needed than just acquisitions data and OCLS capacity is limited.

Liana will send out a communication about this to the colleges.

Call for Data Clean-Up Project Proposals (Liana)

Liana will ask for data clean-up projects that require OCLS involvement to create a more formal process for requests and so OCLS can prioritize projects. Criteria will be based on projects that benefit the most colleges. Some projects will be after Go Live. Initial call will be made now and then another call will be made after get test environments. Other possibilities may include colleges engaging outside help for individual data clean up. The draft Briefing Note from Met/Cat may also assist colleges with individual data clean-up

Optional: Review Draft Risk Mitigation Plan

The possibility of a strike is still present. The following documents outline plans for the CLSP.


https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/276004879 Note: see *



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