2021-11-25 Meeting Minutes

2021-11-25 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Katherine Marceau (Subcommittee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

  4. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  5. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  6. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  7. Rachel Caldwell (Subcommittee Chair – Discovery/Customer Service/Front End)

  8. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  9. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  10. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  11. Aura Hill (OCLS)

  12. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

Action Items

@John Ellis will send Implementation Details document to his IT person and see if they think it’s a useful/accurate
@John Ellis@Jessica Bugorski to chair the IT meeting today
@Aura Hill to cancel Dec. 23 & 30 meetings
@Aura Hill@Liana Giovando to finish survey and provide to Jane.
@Jane Burpee to send briefing note to ISC when complete.
@Aura Hill@Liana Giovando to add IT Details page/Project Plan/Reminder of Branding Survey to CLO Newsletter

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates & OCLS


A new initiative raised about create standards for cleaning up data for the Network Zone and using further as a basis minimum standards for NZ. Standards are based on ORBIS, SUNY examples and Danielle’s background work. This will be presented as Briefing Note to ISC shortly. The goal is to ensure consistency for the end user experience.


Preparing for holiday gathering. Branding survey will go out to CLO18 directors to gauge interest in shared brand. A briefing note has been developed about hiring branding consultant for ISC approval.


Additions continue to the list of resources to those not in Community Zone. Working on Briefing Note with recommendation.

Other subcommittees and OCLS do not have specific updates or have not met since the previous ISC meeting.

Review Implementation Details for College IT Departments (Liana)


Concerns may be 1. they take too much stock in our proposed time estimates vs. 2. they are put off by our suggestion of the time estimate. The members feel that the estimates are helpful and will reiterate that it is a rough estimate.

Prepare info for IT conversations so they can clearly identify scope of the project and walk away from the meeting with confidence.

  • ACTION ITEM: John will send Implementation Details document to his IT person and see if they think it’s a useful/accurate.

  • In the meeting, the focus will be on the bare minimum, SSO/authentication and SIS, so Centennial can proceed as per project timelines. The project plan Gantt Chart will be provided if requested and it will be highlighted “loose”/estimated timelines. In terms of the CLPS project, Ex Libris has a dedicated IT representative that will work with college IT departments. There will be one general meeting for all colleges, and then specific meetings based on college systems. There will also be 1:1 meetings as needed.

  • Ex Libris' experience is that the authentication is fairly straightforward, but the SIS integration is more challenging because Alma needs xml file to be imported and most systems don’t produce XML format. However, the data is in the system. Thomas is working on proof of concept to transfer data to an XML file with Centennial for SIRSI & Banner. He is testing ways to reused automated exports that are already in place with the older system. Algonquin is also working on solution.

  • ACTION ITEM: John & Jess to chair the IT meeting today

Review draft TCPR Briefing Note

  • The proposal is for a brand tool kit with documentation that can be used and customized per college. Logo and the name will be standard, customize colours only. It is important to understand what will be asked from the colleges in terms of consultation with branding consultant, as well as to understand the scope of work that consultant will provide (e.g. is a communication package needed). The brand also needs to be bilingual/translated in French. The TCPR may need to consider the implementation of the brand and consult with marketing at individual colleges. The briefing note looks good but the ISC would like results from Branding Survey to complete Briefing Note.

  • ACTION ITEM: Aura & Liana to finish survey and provide to Jane.

  • ACTION ITEM: Jane to send briefing note to ISC when complete.

Holiday Schedule (Cancel ISC meetings Dec. 23rd. and Dec 30th)?

ISC agrees these meetings should be cancelled. Weekly ISC meetings will resume January 6.

ACTION ITEM: Aura to cancel meetings.

Review Draft Risk Mitigation Plan

It is determined to remove OCLS Funding as a risk as it is not the proper scope for this project. Liana and Aura will continue developing a plan for managing potential burnout, and would like to consult ISC from managerial perspective for content. Reputational Risk could be managed in terms of expectations with college administrators, students and faculty. If you have feedback, please let Liana & Aura know. The ISC will continue to review and discuss plan as needed.

Vacation Planner, Etc.

The vacation planner is complete and was communicated to college liaisons. ISC asks that it is added to new CLO Newsletter, along with IT Details page and Project Plan and Reminder of Branding Survey.

Vacation Planner

ACTION ITEM: Aura & Liana to add IT Details page/Project Plan/Reminder of Branding Survey to CLO Newsletter