2021-12-09 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  3. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  4. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  5. Julie Mandal (new Subcommittee Chair – Discovery/Customer Service/Front End)

  6. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  7. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  8. Thomas Guignard (OCLS) Aura Hill (OCLS)

  9. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Katherine Marceau (Subcommittee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando to set up meeting between Dijana, Leigh, Nicole, Holly, and Stacey about E-Resources Steering Committee in terms of changes to subcommittees.
@Liana Giovando to meet with Julie and update on Discovery Subcommittee activities.
@vroy@Jane Burpee to meet to discuss logistics for EOI as it will need to be issued by OCLS.

Discussion Items

Welcome Julie Mandal!

Julie is the Director, Library & Learning Services at Fanshawe and filling in for Rachel Caldwell as head of the Discovery/Customer Service/Front End Subcommittee and on the ISC.

Action Items Update

  • Jane has 3 potential branding companies.

  • CLSP Update Newsletter has been sent to Marnie and will be distributed to CLO.

Subcommittee Chair Updates


The subcommittee finalized Briefing Note 03 – Standardization of Shared Bibliographic Records and Local Fields/ Recommendations on Minimum Standards/Best Practices Reference Tool. The recommendation to create a Reference Tool that will help with data clean up and foundation for future collaborative work.

DECISION: ISC approves Briefing Note (with 4 voting members present).

The subcommittee has started working on researching other consortiums' reference tool and creating tool. They have also started a new Briefing Note about LCSH and decolonizing work; it may be on agenda for next ISC meeting.


They have not met since last ISC meeting. They are still working on draft Briefing Note for E-Resources not in Community Zone and will be potentially conducting a survey on prioritizing that list.

Changes to OCLS subcommittee members means that Holly Survari will move to Discovery Subcommittee and be replaced by Nicole Morgan.

ACTION ITEM: Liana to set up meeting between Dijana, Leigh, Nicole, Holly, and Stacey about E-Resources Steering Committee in terms of changes to OCLS subcommittee members.


They are meeting tomorrow. They are still working on solution for SIS exports and are reaching out to other institutions that have already created a solution.

Discovery/Customer/Front End

ACTION ITEM: Liana to meet with Julie and update on Discovery Subcommittee activities.


The Branding survey is only showing 10 results, but Jane was informed 2 other colleges did vote in favour of shared branding but their votes did not show up in survey. She recommends the ISC proceeds with voting on the updated Briefing Note: Funding request to hire a branding consultant

DECISION: ISC approves the briefing note (with 5 members present as Jess joined).

TCPR Subcommittee will discuss draft Expression of Interest (EOI) in their meeting tomorrow. The EOI will have to be issued by OCLS on behalf of the project/TCPR Subcommittee.

ACTION ITEM: Virginia and Jane to meet to discuss logistics for EOI as it will need to be issued by OCLS.

OCLS Update

OCLS is working on developing inventory for services for new services, services that will transition and those that will end.

Meeting time

Meeting time still works for everyone.

DRAFT Project Support for Burnout Prevention

This document supports the Risk Mitigation Plan in terms of addressing the risk of burnout. The draft was prepared to formally document the approach and acknowledge that the project is aware of this risk and be part of the solution.

Communicate outside ISC to CLO - add to CLSP Update Newsletter, add to CLO Update and refer to it at subcommittee meetings, and to be open and raise issues. Jane raises importance of active leadership and to flag when we think someone may be reaching their limits. Dijana talked about use of calendar to plan time off and may sure people have

Update for CLO Exec Meeting - Dec. 14th

Liana will share the CLPS Update Newsletter with Gail for distribution. Jess will attend CLO meeting, give a brief update and bring attention to DRAFT Project Support for Burnout Prevention.

ExLibris/Clarivate & OCLS Press Release

There was a meeting held with Ex Libris and PMO gave an update on the project from our side and conveyed that we are happy with the support. They talked about funding proposal and Ex Libris will consider it. They asked for a quote for a student sandbox and asked for reduced quote for Syndetics subscription for 7 colleges that don’t have it. Ex Libris also has marketing department that will help/provide templated marketing material/tools for end users. Jane will engage this person for material that may be useful for the TCPR subcommittee.

Ex Libris asked us to collaborate on press release. Ex Libris provided survey to generate content. Liana will bring text provided by Ex Libris to ISC when it’s ready. Virginia will take final wording to OCLS Board as an FYI.

Optional: Review Draft Risk Mitigation Plan

Nothing to review

Other Items

Jane submitted revised Business Case to Centennial’s PMO and hopefully Centennial will get on Project Management List to proceed with implementation.

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