2021-10-05 Meeting Minutes

2021-10-05 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (ISC Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Sub-committee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

  3. Jane Burpee (Sub-committee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  4. Rachel Caldwell (Sub-committee Chair – Discovery/Customer Service/Front End)

  5. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  6. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  7. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  8. Aura Hill (OCLS)

  9. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Sub-committee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  2. Leigh Cunningham (Sub-committee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  3. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Sub-committee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando to acquire further details on Ex Libris “Onsite” Workshop curriculum and intended audience.
@John Ellis to reach out to Sara about her move to the E-Resources Sub-committee
@Aura Hill and @Liana Giovando to schedule brainstorming meeting with ISC for potential co-chairs
@vroy to follow up with Ex Libris to determine if there would be any impact to pricing and implementation services if we delay Leganto Implementation.
@Liana Giovando Create a short slide deck presentation for OCCCIO
@Aura Hill to set up pre-meeting with Virginia, John, Liana (Oct 12) to prep for OCCCIO Meeting
@Aura Hill to move weekly ISC meeting to Thursdays@ 11:30 on first week of November

Discussion Items

Action Items Review

  • Seneca will not join consortium this year. They have to talk to Ex Libris about what it would mean for them to join the consortium and then make determination about what they will decide.


    • @John Ellis to reach out to Sara about her move to the E-Resources Sub-committee

    • @Aura Hill @Liana Giovando to schedule brainstorming meeting with ISC for potential co-chairs

  • Ex Libris workshop is confirmed for Feb 28; more information to be provided by Ex Libris shortly.

OCLS Support Plan for Symphony College Data Extracts and Data Validation

  • OCLS still working on investigating certain aspects. Liana sent out communication yesterday to inform SIRSI colleges that OCLS can do most data extracts with 2 exceptions, acquisitions data and P2E. Data validation is still unknown but OCLS may be able to do this. More updates to follow.

  • P2E detailed instructions are going out to colleges today so they can start preparing.

  • Jennifer is working on test extracts from Algonquin and Liana is setting up a meeting with Ex Libris to confirm the extracts meet their needs.

Revised Terms of Reference and Responsibilities of the Subcommittees

  • Liana and Aura revised sub-committee Terms of Reference, using Discovery sub-committee as a test case.

  • Took high-level, general approach with the view of standardizing content across all sub-committees while still reflecting their areas of focus.

  • Standardized format will be applied to all Terms of Reference for all sub-committees.

When is the best time to schedule a Leganto Demo?

  • Leganto cannot be implemented until after Go Live date (July 2022)

  • ISC would like to push the meeting as far forward as possible based on project deliverables and budget timelines. Next fall is a proposed date.

  • ACTION ITEM: @vroy to follow up with Ex Libris to determine if there would be any impact to pricing and implementation services

Scheduling Ex Libris “Onsite” Workshops

  • Ex Libris has confirmed workshop will be Feb. 28 (4 days)

  • More details to follow about curriculum, who needs to attend, etc.

Subcommittee Chair Updates

  • TCPR Sub-committee

    • OLA conference session proposal - Branding Blitz - fun session about naming search tool

    • Conducting branding survey to see if colleges want to centralized name/brand for system

    • Documenting Alma certification training in progress and further training tracking in development

    • Proposal for study groups still to be discussed/finalized.

  • Systems Sub-committee

    • Looking at Integration Form and identifying questions in advance of session

OCCIO Meeting

  • PMO and John Ellis to attend and give short presentation on importance of ensuring college IT departments are engaged & planning capacity to support implementation

  • ACTION ITEM: @Liana Giovando Create a short slide deck

  • ACTION ITEM: @Aura Hill to set up pre-meeting with Virginia, John, Liana (Oct 12)

TOC Update (Costing)

  • Refining and updating Cost of Ownership spreadsheet

  • Generate summary of cost analysis related to Alma for 22/23 and projections for 23/24

  • License costs are known, OCLS costs may need to be adjusted

  • Alma has been included in OCLS costing for 22/23, benefits by reducing overhead

  • Still some remaining SIRSI costs due to transition

Reschedule Regular ISC Meetings

  • ISC agreed to reschedule meeting due to conflict with sub-committee meeting

  • As of week of Nov 1 meeting will be on Thursdays 11:30am - 12:30 pm

  • ACTION ITEM: @Aura Hill to move meeting to Thursdays@ 11:30 on first week of November


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