2022-02-17 Meeting Minutes

2022-02-17 Meeting Minutes


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair)

  2. John Ellis (Co-Chair)

  3. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  4. Julie Mandal (Subcommittee Chair – Discovery/Customer Service/Front End)

  5. Katherine Marceau (Subcommittee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

  6. Dijana Kladnjakovic (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  7. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  8. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  9. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  10. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)

  11. Aura Hill (OCLS)

  12. Jana Purmalis (OCLS)


  1. Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Co-Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

Action Items

@Liana Giovando to set up meeting between Dijana, Leigh, Nicole and Stacey about E-Resources Steering Committee in terms of overlapping topics for subcommittees.
@Liana Giovando@vroy@Jessica Bugorski@Jane Burpee volunteer to work on governance proposal. Jane to invite Liana and Virginia to meeting with Catherine.
@Aura Hill add Mohawk/Niagara implementation costs to agenda for next week.
@vroy to provide more information about the costs related to the addition of 2 colleges.

Discussion Items

Subcommittee Chair Updates

TCPR: Circulated internal branding survey to library staff from Aubs & Mugg. Aubs & Mugg will be providing initial research results so far and presentation about concepts. CLO will provide space for library guide for training. The training working group has met, includes a student from iSchool at U of T to assist with material. Examples: Library Guides: Alma Training: Trainer Resources https://slcny.libguides.com/lsptraining

Discovery/Customer Service/Front End: They will work on physical resource sharing and start with a survey to college liaisons to forward to ILL, to get understanding of pre-pandemic, current situation and where the colleges want to do in ILL in the future.

E-Resources/Acquisitions: They will focus on non-traditional ILL such as streaming videos, ebooks, etc. Cheryl made presentation based on Amigos conference on ILL and the subcommittee is interested in seeing how to use that information for ILL. Can leverage survey being developed by Discovery subcommittee.

SSO is in progress for many of the colleges. Updates are happening in the Support Portal mostly, not Basecamp. SIS integration meeting tomorrow with IT staff and we expect more updates.

Met/Cat: Moved to Google spreadsheet to gather tagging and local notes information and based on that will create a tool. They will meet after Alma Workshop.

OCLS Update

For long term, OCLS will maintain a content structure where documents can be held and communications handled. It may be Confluence or another platform.

Bill Best, OCLS Board sent out email to college presidents about CLSP. There will be an update for CCVPS that will go out in the next few days that is similar to Bill Best’s message.

OCLS finding a need to make strategic decisions about services without all the technical information but not wanting to wait too long to make decisions because that impacts the colleges' ability to make their decisions. OCLS are going to create service proposals based on the information available and discuss with subcommittees. There may be changes as things become more concrete. OCLS will also need to communicate out to the larger group about proposals and decisions so that colleges are aware and are informed. ISC is supportive of this approach and is part of the collaborative nature of the project.

Mohawk and Niagara

Mohawk and Niagara are in different positions for timing for joining the CLSP. Mohawk is expecting approval in April. The timeframe under discussion is spring 2023 that would potentially work for Ex Libris. They would like to participate in decision-making now and joining sub-committees.

Funds could be made available for implementation costs. OCLS Board supports as long as it doesn’t negatively affect the current implementation. It would potentially impact the colleges' costs in the second year of the software. The average difference for each college would be $6000. However, with 2 additional colleges in the consortium, OCLS fixed costs would be shared among 20 colleges instead of 18.

ACTION ITEM: Aura add Mohawk/Niagara implementation costs to agenda for next week.

ACTION ITEM: Virginia to provide more information about the costs related to the addition of 2 colleges.

CLSP Governance Structure - CLO Conversation (Jane/Jess)

Jess and Jane talked to CLO about possible governance structure after Go Live. The CLO Executive felt that they would like the CLSP to come up with a proposal. This would include looking at all CLO and CLSP committees to ensure that there’s no overlap. Maybe keep as is for the first year of running with Alma so there is time to figure out a new governance model. The PMO may not exist, but OCLS can support as part of services of the consortium.

Jane and Jess will meet with Catherine Davidson to learn more about OCUL Collaborative Futures and their governance structure.

https://ocul.on.ca/sites/default/files/OCUL Collaborative Futures - Annual Report 2020_0.pdf

Meeting frequency for ISC and committees may be reduced after Go Live and p

ACTION ITEM: Liana, Virginia, Jess and Jane volunteer to work on governance proposal. Jane to invite Liana and Virginia to meeting with Catherine.

Optional: Review Draft Risk Mitigation Plan

Discuss next week


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