March 21, 2022 - BOLT-CLSP Meeting

March 21, 2022 - BOLT-CLSP Meeting


Discussion Items

  1. Technical architecture and specifications for Alma - at 0:26 minutes in recording

  2. Question Period - at 18:30 minutes in recording

    1. https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/ : developer space provided by Ex Libris, contact your library staff for access (if they don’t have their access, they can ask Liana for assistance)

    2. https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/teXWw2qK Confluence collaboration site for college libraries. Most information is public, but some recordings of meetings are protected by If you need access.

  3. How the patron expiry and purge date work - at 23:00 minutes in recording

  4. Adding a space in Confluence for a community of practice for BOLT colleges - at 52:00 minutes in recording


Presentation Material


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