April 11, 2022 - BOLT-CLSP Meeting

April 11, 2022 - BOLT-CLSP Meeting

Meeting Agenda

  1. How people are writing out the XML from the SQL stuff - ie using Oracle utilities or writing the tags manually (Dave Coates' suggestion) - at the 1:00 minute mark

    1. At Centennial our developer said they used Nuget Package for the XML code. Newtonsoft JSON. Everything is serialized as JSON, then converted to XML.

  2. Users statistics category - at 1:45 minute mark

    1. For "User Statistics" can we add multiple descriptions for people that are staff and students?

      If a field like "User Statistics" is not included will it be over-written? staff no longer becomes a student.

    2. Response:
      In the Statistical Categories table, each Code can only have one description.

      If a field is not included in the XML, it will wipe out any data that may exist in that field.

  3. Responses from Ex Libris on BOLT Questions New Items - at 4:30 minute mark

  4. How to handle a student that is also an employee - at 10:30 minute mark

Meeting Recording

Ex Libris Response to BOLT-CLSP Questions

Q1: When should we tell IT departments they are “locked out” of Alma? There are a few colleges working on additional 3rd Party integrations and I think they were hoping to work on it between June 28 and July 26th

A1: They will have to stop work in Alma on approximately July 8th. We will know the exact date w-once the cutover plan is approved, but that would be the earliest.

Q2: Will the sandboxes be available for IT to test integrations?

A2: Yes.

Q3: Will there be a lockout of the sandboxes during migration?

A3: There is no downtime for the sandboxes during migration.

Q4: I understand the sandboxes will include generic data that does not reflect holdings withing the colleges, however, will configuration settings in the sandboxes be set to align with institutions?

A4: No.

Q5. How will the college IT departments be notified prior to sandbox refreshes?

A5: Sandbox refreshes are done by request up to once per quarter. OCLS can decide when they happen. More details available here: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/010Getting_Started/040Alma_Sandbox_Environments

Q6. Can you confirm that external users will not overwrite internal users even if the primary key (aka Unique ID) matches?

A6: I do not think that the SIS load would overwrite internal accounts. However, Alma does not allow for duplicate identifiers between users.  While it is possible that the SIS file would load with the duplicate IDs (since it is looking at external records), when you go to open a user’s account, Alma will most likely require you to change their primary ID.  I would recommend ensuring that your internal users have unique IDs prior to loading external users to prevent this issue.

Q7: Can Named Users be given a purge date so they are automatically removed and deprovisioned?

A7: Any user can be assigned a purge date.  Keep in mind that if your named users are external (and part of SIS), the purge date would need to be included in the SIS load; otherwise, the purge date in Alma would be overwritten when the SIS job runs.  See: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Best_Practices_and_How-Tos/Miscellaneous/Best_Practices_Toolkit%3A_Purging_Users#:~:text=The%20Purge%20User%20job%20allows,Purge%20User%20jobs%20set%20up.



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