March 28, 2022 - BOLT-CLSP Meeting

March 28, 2022 - BOLT-CLSP Meeting


Discussion Items

  1. Choosing a Primary Key and considerations regarding this. (Amanda Van Mierlo) - at 0:00 minute

  2. Mandatory XML Fields as required from Ex Libris (Liana) - at 10:00 minutes

    1. Patron Files - Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Fields - Backgrounder

  3. Optional Fields that may be required by your library (Amanda) - at 14:50 minutes

  4. SAD-Systems Analytics and Data committee and what data they are looking for from your institution. (Amanda) - at 22:32 minutes

  5. April Meeting Schedule - at 45:30 minutes

 For a future meeting

  1. Migrating Patron Data from Sirsi (Some colleges are planning not to migrate patron data from Sirsi because they want to start fresh with the new SIS import at Go-Live)

  2. Cutover Plan and Sun-setting Sirsi

Meeting Recording


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