Study Group Session 88: General Question and Answer, Resource Sharing Office Hours
Session Notes
Questions not related to resource sharing:
Brenda Desjardins, St Lawrence:
EBSCO issue - Pdfs going to 400 error
closed case with Ex Libris
ask for an update on the ticket from Marie/Gagan
Syndetics Unbound has not been working since July
have a ticket with Proquest
in processing since July
Aimee will take a look and let Brenda know if it is happening at Conestoga
Resource Sharing Updates
Aimee Jeffrey, RSWG Co-Chair, Conestoga College:
congratulations to everyone
will touch base with all of the colleges to see where they’re at and proceeding with next phase
Next phase:
move forward with conversations with OMNI
attend one of the Collaborative Futures meetings in September
integration will be simple - will not need to do all the configurations
deep search configurations have been sorted out, hope to be able to configure a search profile for all of the universities
will need to discuss the TOU with OCUL: in a good place to continue using our TOU and configurations that we have agreed upon with all of the Page 1+ Colleges - can share those with the universities; may want to be open to exploring some of their TOU
Liana Giovando, OCLS, Communications Package:
Were folks able to use any of the communications we shared for promoting RS with users? Did the package suit your needs?
Joan Hutt, Loyalist College: ILL staff used the package as a basis for marketing RS process, will be part of orientation
Loyalist also had one request go through, so far successfully
Aimee: We are sharing it with Faculty through Librarians, we put out a Monday Message Board message to all staff/faculty, and have shared it with all of our Learning Resource depts.
Diana Borges, OCLS:
Resolved issues: RS Request Form issue at Niagara College, Deep Search Configurations
Outstanding issues:
Resource sharing request option appearing in records for electronic resources
Issues with Pickup Locations in Resource Sharing Request Forms at Cambrian and Northern
Cancel request on locate failure:
Loyalist has been testing disabling the Cancel request on locate failure in their resource sharing library set up because it was sending the request cancellation letter very quickly to patrons and Loyalist is not ready to disable the letter
locate failed status should be an incomplete request but the change in the parameter is not allowing them to change the status and is allowing them to remove the request, which should only be allowed for completed requests
noticed that OCUL workflow documentation states that some universities have chosen to have this enabled, some disabled - have not heard of any issues with this from OCUL
Resource Sharing – Search Options for Colleges Outside of the Networked Environment – Instructions
please review documentation updates, known issues, and letter customization for any configuration changes (e.g. information on rs_hold_shelf_expiration parameter, rs_auto_request_lending parameter, rs_use_tou_for_lost_item parameter)
Customizing Resource Sharing Letters
OCLS will be working with the Page 1+ Steering Committee and RSWG on analytics reports for resource sharing