Step 1: Early Learning
How does the Alma/Primo ecosystem tick?
The Alma/Primo Environment is based on a Unified Resource Management (URM) framework where multiple departments and institutions collaborate and share data needed to accomplish tasks – the idea here is that information supplied through one workflow can inform subsequent staff and patron workflows, depending upon policies and configurations -- so with Alma, we are not only building a unified searchable database, but we are configuring paths to share relevant information that will inform our collective workflows.
Getting Started
Visit for a series of brief introductory videos. More detailed information about the organizational structure of Alma can be found in; the Getting Started guide (Alma November 2019 release, c2020) (pdf) and Introduction to Alma Inventory. Visit the Ex Libris Knowledge Center to access all Ex Libris product documentation. Consider keeping the open in a new tab or window for quick access while you are working through the training videos.
This section of the Ex Libris Knowledge Center provides links to training packages ranging from introductory to advanced. A selection of links have been provided below to start you on your learning path:
Alma Essentials (New): modules containing video instruction and handouts for learning to work in Alma. Topics include: Terminology; Orientation; User Management; Loaning; Renewals and Returns; Physical and Booking Requests; Metadata Editor, etc.
Learning Paths: guides to training for specific functions and tasks in Alma. Videos included.
Alma Collaborative Networks (Alma Consortia): fundamentals of collaboration in the Network Zone; includes cataloguing, acquisitions and administration. View the following video resources for additional context: and
Introduction to Alma Inventory: provides an excellent summary of Alma’s physical and electronic resources, along with illustrations of each record type.
Extended Training: advanced Alma topics and supplementary training
ExLibris Developer Network. Alma Documentation: collaborative solutions from the developer community
Network Zone Resources
The Collaborative Library Services Platform (CLSP) will be an ongoing collaboration. Initial configuration and continued maintenance of the Network Zone is central to this collaboration. We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Network Zone resources. for an overview of Network Zone (NZ) functions. describes the process for providing and processing records into a shared consortial environment in Alma from various legacy ILS systems.
Videos to provide insight into functions available through the broader Network Zone (NZ): and provides insight into publishing records to Primo. According to, “availability and delivery for physical resources harvested from Alma are relative to the institution of the view.”
The training links below will help you become familiar with Primo discovery configuration. This training section contains separate sections for Primo Training (for configuration via Primo Back Office) and Primo VE Training (for configuration via Alma dashboard):
Introduction to Primo: Getting started; Using Primo; Configuring the User Interface via Primo Back Office.
Intro to Primo VE: Getting started; Using Primo; Configuring the User Interface via Primo VE in Alma.
Additional Primo VE Training: Primo Analytics; Dedup and FRBR; Primo VE for Collaborative Networks; normalization suite
ExLibris Developer Network. Primo Documentation: collaborative solutions from the developer community
Alma and Primo Administration Certifications
Alma Administration Certification: a self paced certification program that is openly available in the ExLibris Knowledge Center to anybody who wishes to complete the Alma Admin Certification. The certification exam can be taken at any time through the ExLibris Academy (registration required). A certificate is provided once the process is completed.
Primo VE Certification: a self paced certification program, available in the ExLibris Knowledge Center. The certification exam can be taken at any time through the ExLibris Academy (registration required). A certificate is provided once the process is completed.
Day to Day Resources
Alma LibGuide: contains task oriented tabs filled with videos and documentation designed to guide you through specific workflows. The guide contains separate tabs for Acquisitions; Resources; Discovery; Fulfillment; Admin; Analytics, etc., and will be a handy tool to use during testing and after implementation. The ‘welcome’ page contains links to past and upcoming Knowledge Days webinars.