Page 1+ Study Group Sessions

Page 1+ Study Group Sessions


  • Are there topics you would like to understand better?

  • Do you have questions, comments or helpful tips?

  • Are you interested in what other colleges are doing?

  • Learned anything that may be of interest to others?

Welcome to Page 1+ Study Group sessions

Most sessions will be an open Q&A, but sometimes we will cover a particular topic. We’re happy to discuss whatever’s on your mind. The idea is to share knowledge and support each other.

We are not the experts, so please consult them if needed. This is an informal session to share our own learning and see how we can help each other. However, Danielle Emon, a consultant with OCLS, has experience implementing Alma & Primo at Loyalist and will be joining us most of the time.

Session Date/Time: Study Group takes place bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 11am (Nov 22, Dec 6 etc.).

To Attend or Share the invite to the series go to page

Submitting Questions Anonymously: If you would like to submit a question or topic to the Study Group anonymously, please use this form. We will bring the question to the next scheduled session for the group to discuss.

Do you have an idea for a Study Group session or would you like to lead a session?
Please post it in the comments below.

Study Group Session Meeting Recordings


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