Library eResources Accessibility Portal | LEAP


LEAP, the Library eResources Accessibility Portal, is a self-audit tool that allows library staff to evaluate the accessibility of library eResources and access a growing repository of accessibility assessment reports to help make acquisition decisions, support library users, and advocate for accessible eResources. 

To create or view assessments, please visit LEAP.

Contact Information

For support with this service, contact Marie Song.


Introductory Webinar    

Advanced Webinar   


The LEAP site has more information, including a technical Guide for College Library Staff and an Overview of Third Party Tools. To access these documents, you need a LEAP account. Contact Marie Song to set up an account.


OCUL Pilot

Introduction to LEAP - Summer 2024

AODA Research Project

LEAP Environmental Scan - Sept 2015

LEAP Interim Report (Spring/Summer 2017)


2022/23 LEAP Infographic


2021/22 LEAP Infographic


2020/21 LEAP Infographic



LEAP is supported by the LEAP Steering Committee. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to provide strategic direction and oversight for LEAP and support the work of LEAP Leads locally and within the college system. The current chair is Joy Muller (Seneca).