#1 Doodle communication email

#1 Doodle communication email

Inaugural meeting of the CLO CLSP Training/Communications/PR Subcommittee

Sent June 21, 2021

Hi Everyone,

 A Doodle poll has been created and populated with potential timeslots for the Inaugural meeting of the CLO CLSP Training/Communications/PR Subcommittee

 Please follow the link to select your availability: https://doodle.com/poll/d9axfi9z4pe3m2wm?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link . Thank you to those who vote quickly. I will be accepting responses until Wednesday, June 30th at noon, after which I will determine the best date and time for the meeting and follow up with further details.

 Many thanks!


CLO CLSP Training/Communications/PR Subcommittee Chair


Sent to:

MARNIE.seal@cambriancollege.ca; Laura.Patrie@collegeboreal.ca; edla@northern.on.ca; arcayaa@algonquincollege.com; Jennifer.Varcoe@GeorgianCollege.ca; NColaiacovo@centennialcollege.ca; sonam.dhargay@sheridancollege.ca; alexandra.ross@humber.ca; sboileau@ocls.ca; lgiovando@ocls.ca