Request for Proposal (RFP) - Version 2

Request for Proposal (RFP) - Version 2

College Libraries Ontario 18

Collaborative Library Services Platform (CLSP) Shared Branding

Request for Proposal (RFP) 2022-01



With the support of Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS), 18 Ontario College Libraries are migrating to a modern shared library services platform that will allow them to work collaboratively and more efficiently. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals for the development of a new graphic identity and brand for the shared library services platform.

The Collaborative Library Services Platform (CLSP) is a “next generation” system that will:

  • Increase capacity for quality online learning

  • Provide the infrastructure to support equitable access to digital resources and services

  • Improve the user experience, facilitate cost savings, and achieve enhanced metrics

  • Strengthen the colleges’ collaborative foundation and technical expertise


Involved Parties

College Libraries Ontario (CLO)

The CLSP is a College Libraries Ontario sponsored initiative. CLO is a collaborative body comprised of the 24 Ontario College Libraries that advocates on behalf of students for the best possible college library services and resources. CLO seeks to maximize impact through a shared platform of information resources, services, expertise, and trusted relationships.

CLO members are the leaders of the Ontario college libraries. CLO reports to the Coordinating Committee of Vice-Presidents, Student Services under the Committee of Presidents. CLO serves as an advisory group to Ontario College Library Service (OCLS).

Participating College Libraries (also known as the CLO18)

  • Algonquin College

  • College Boréal*

  • Cambrian College

  • Centennial College

  • Conestoga College

  • Confederation College

  • Fanshawe College

  • Fleming College

  • George Brown College

  • Georgian College

  • Humber College

  • La Cité Collegiale*

  • Lambton College

  • Northern College

  • Sault College

  • Sheridan College

  • St. Clair College

  • St. Lawrence College

*Note that there are two French language colleges among the CLO 18.

Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS)

The Ontario Colleges Library Service  (OCLS) was established in 2009 as a non-profit corporation to provide support for the Libraries and Learning Resource Centres of Ontario’s 24 publicly funded Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. OCLS essentially acts as a consortium and is funded in part by the Government of Ontario.

OCLS provides a suite of services for the benefit of the 24 Ontario college libraries. OCLS reports to a Board of Directors elected by the Committee of Presidents of the member colleges. 

OCLS is the RFP issuing and contracting body for the Collaborative Library Services Platform (CLSP) project generally and specifically for this shared branding initiative.

CLSP Project-Specific Groups

The CLSP Implementation Steering Committee (ISC) oversees, guides, and leads the implementation of the Alma Ex Libris Library Services Platform (LSP) software in the 18 participating college libraries.

The ISC is establishing the foundation for future ongoing collaboration by leading the development of governance structures, shared policies, guidelines, and documentation for all participating libraries beyond the initial implementation.

The group reports to the CLO executive and is responsible for representing all college libraries that are participating in the migration and implementation of the LSP.


The Project Management Office (PMO) oversees the day-to-day implementation of the CLSP, liaises with the vendor, and provides project support and guidance to the 18 participating colleges. Members of the PMO sit on five CLSP subcommittees. With respect to communications, the PMO’s primary audience is the core college library stakeholders, who are the implementation teams within the CLO18 libraries.


The Training, Communications and Public Relations Subcommittee (TCPR) is one of five subcommittees of the ISC. The committee’s main responsibility is external stakeholder communications which involves supporting students, faculty, staff with the training and guidance required to navigate the new common library services platform both during implementation and post go-live. The TCPR will be the primary point of contact for the successful proponent.

Project Benefits

The benefits of this project are extensive for end users, participating college libraries, and the library system as a whole.

Strengthening Collaborative Foundation

A shared LSP will strengthen the colleges’ collaborative foundation, offer opportunities for shared labour and expertise in technical services, provide centralized metrics collection, and will result in de-duplication of work across the consortium.

Cost Savings & Workflow Efficiencies

The project will provide cost savings to participating colleges through shared procurement, hosting, and administration, reduce IT costs resulting from the integration with other campus systems, and will provide greater efficiencies in workflows and enhanced metrics.

Improved User Experience & Access

And for library end users, including students, faculty, and researchers, implementation of a next generation shared LSP will provide improved and equitable access and discoverability of digital resources and services as well as access to quality online learning. With an LSP’s superior ability to manage digital resources, these factors combine to contribute to a seamless user experience and align with student expectations of a high quality post-secondary learning environment.

Guiding Project Principles

Through their participation in the CLSP project, college libraries agree to work together to implement and operate a next generation LSP. By pursuing this goal together, participating libraries agree to work collaboratively and align operational policies and workflows in service of the following goals:

  1. Offer convenient, easy-to-use and equitable access to quality learning resources for students, researchers and faculty and position them for success.

  2. Collaborate across institutions to maximize value, efficiencies and capacity in support of sustainable high quality library services.

  3. Support a culture of innovation and creative use of technology to offer best in class user experience to the communities they support.

Description of this Branding Project


As the 18 college libraries prepare to launch the shared LSP in July 2022, there is a need to develop a shared identity to illustrate the collaborative nature of this initiative, as well as standardize communications. CLO and OCLS have been using the CLSP acronym for the project. While CLSP is understood by participating library staff, the acronym and the name “Collaborative Library Service Platform‘’ will not be meaningful to a college library user.

Likewise, the CLSP is one element of the project, not the entirety of the initiative. It is the collaborative technology that will help enable a particular user experience, future projects, and a way for Ontario’s college libraries to work together in new ways.

The new LSP should have a recognizable brand identity of its own, one that reflects the collaboration as well as the platform benefits. The brand and messaging should align with the vision of the CLSP, and messaging should reinforce what it means to be a user of this shared provincial library system.

Project Administration

The project will be administered by the following teams:

  • Implementation Steering Committee (ISC)

  • Training, Communications & Public Relations (TCPR) Subcommittee

  • Project Management Office

  • OCLS


a) Visual Identity Design & Name

  • The Proponent will create a name and brand visual identity for the shared platform based on the knowledge obtained through engagement with staff from CLO18 institutions.  Preference is to have an opportunity to provide feedback on design options during the development process.

  • The Proponent will provide high resolution design deliverables for the final design that can be deployed on the web and on print materials. Colour (adaptable by each institution to fit with their own colours/brand) and black & white design options should be included, as well as options the work in both English and French languages.

b) Brand Standards Guidelines

  • A brand standards guidelines document will specify, articulate, and depict the defining elements of the visual identity and title components, and provide examples for marketing communications materials. For budgeting purposes, we are suggesting the following items be included:

    • Brand creative parameters (i.e. fonts, design styles, adaptable colour palette, etc.)

    • Samples of how the brand could be applied to library and institutional websites and social media sites.

    • Samples of how the brand can be tailored to suit individual College’s brand parameters, websites etc.

    • Language (voice and key terminology)

c) Communication strategy for launch and templates

  • Creation of a communications strategy and plan to support the launch of the new platform. The strategy and plan should include key messages that resonate with different target markets (e.g. library staff and end users).

  • Creation of templates for press releases, web and social media content, and newsletters that could be tailored by each college.

Deliverables Time Frame

  • Consultation with CLO18 Directors, implementation leads, and Implementation Steering Committee teams in February 2022.

  • Draft name and visual identity design options presented by March 2022.     

  • Revisions and final branding proposal to CLO18 Directors for review in early April 2022.

  • Branding strategy should be in place and shared with local implementation teams by April 30, 2022 in time to start promoting the shared LSP before launch, July 2022

*Timeline is a best estimate.

 Method of Delivery

  • Business meetings and consultations will be conducted virtually.

  • Consultation with the CLO18 community on draft designs and names is expected.  Consultations would be facilitated by the CLO18 Implementation Steering Committee (ISC).

 Estimated Budget

  • Up to $30,000-40,000 (exclusive of HST), inclusive of all expenses. 

  • Out of pocket expenses must be approved in advance, and invoiced at cost. Receipts must be provided.

  • All proposals should clearly demonstrate their value proposition and provide a detailed breakdown of proposed project costs against outlined deliverables. Proposals that are significantly outside the budget range should clearly identify why.


Proposal Elements

Proposals should include:

  • Proponent overview: an overview of the company including its size, years in existence, and an outline of the firm’s experience in the areas listed in this RFP.

  • A description of the services to be performed by the proponent in developing and implementing the scope of work as outlined in this RFP.  Reference and describe in detail provision of the services listed in the deliverables specified above, including recommended methodology and work program to successfully achieve the objectives, key deliverables, and a timeline identifying milestones for the completion of each of the objectives.

  • Select examples of work similar in scope to the project described in the current RFP.

  • The fee and all associated costs for the deliverables. Fees may be described as an hourly rate with an estimate of the all found cost, or as a lump sum.

  • A list of three current or past clients to whom the proponent has supplied services similar in nature to this RFP in the last eight years, and who may be contacted as references, including contact name and telephone number for each client.  The preference is for at least one of these clients to be from the post-secondary education sector if possible.

Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Articulation of a project plan and clearly identified activities, deliverables and timelines - 25%

  • Demonstrated relevant experience in the post-secondary library and/or library and information sector - 15%

  • Demonstrated experience developing effective brands in both official languages - 15%

  • Experience and qualifications of the consulting team -10%

  • Budget with accompanying details and cost breakdown - 25%

  • References - 10%

Submission of Proposals

Proposals are due

January 7, 2022 @5pm

Selection of a successful proponent

January 14, 2022*

Start of work

Week of January 24, 2022

Delivery of final brand description, logo and application standards recommendations

April 30, 2022

 *Timeline is a best estimate. The ISC reserves the right to adjust the time frame as necessary.

 Please submit proposals, by the January 7, 2022 deadline, to applications@ocls.ca  quoting ‘RFP 2022-01: CLO18 CLSP Shared Branding in the subject line. Questions can be submitted via email to Jane Burpee, jburpee@centennialcollege.ca.



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