#2 News of the MOU - signature required

#2 News of the MOU - signature required



Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite your college representative to sign the Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) regarding the Collaborative Library Services Platform. This document will not be legally binding. A signature from your instirution will demonstrate good-will for the partnership.

The Participants seek to share expertise and collaborate in the implementation and ongoing management of a library services platform in order to reap the benefits of a modern, next-generation LSP that will allow the Participants and end-users (students, faculty, researchers) to grow their collaborations into the future, improved access and discoverability of digital resources, and other benefits that may arise (the “Project”). By signing, the Participants recognize the need to allow for collaboration at the outset for this Project while also enabling further collaboration in the future including through other projects.

The MOU is to define the cooperative activities, roles and responsibilities of the Participants in relation to the Project.

Please determine who should sign this MOU on behalf of your institution. It will need to be signed and returned to us by Wednesday June 30, 2021.

The final contract will be signed by OCLS on behalf of all the partners.

We are excited about the Project and look forward to our ongoing partnership.

Yours Sincerely,


Jess and David… CLSP Implementation Steering Committee Co-Chairs


Sent to CLO directors in the CLSP partnership