La Cité - Notes for Cutover

La Cité - Notes for Cutover


The tables below will be used to capture important notes for Cutover including actions that must be taken prior to migration as well as your library’s data migration preferences. Please follow the instructions included with each table. Please complete sections for colleges by April 29th.

Notes for Cutover (For Ex Libris and Colleges to Complete)

Complete each action item assigned to the College below. Select the check box next to the action item when the item is complete. New items should only be added to this table by Ex Libris. Please contact Ex Libris via Basecamp for questions about these action items.

Issue Description

Action Items/Due Date (check when done)

Ready for Cutover?

Issue Description

Action Items/Due Date (check when done)

Ready for Cutover?

Bad diacritics in courses

Ex L


Option 1: Correct in Sirsi prior to extract, for Cutover Load; make corrections to diacritics now in Alma, to see the result in Alma and Primo VE
Option 2: Make corrections to all courses in alma during implementation, and do not reload courses for Cutover. Corrections will be retained, but citations will be lost.
Note to ExL : La Cité will not migrate Course reserves during Cutover

no e-resources created for bibs with URL in 856


Review titles to see if additional bib IDs should be added to the Cutover P2E input list; e.g. bib with Alma MMS ID and Sirsi ID 991000140239707318 with 004/951 of 123315
Note to ExL : No action needed on this.



bad diacritics in patron extracts

College /OCLS staff doing data extracts

OCLS: extract patrons from Sirsi in UTF-8 format
College: review extracts before submitting for migration
Note to ExL : When we do the patron extract again from SIRSI, I will be expecting to see bad diacritics for older records. At Go-live, we will import only active patrons from SIS to Alma. The diacritics seem to be ok (currently being tested). NO ACTION needed.

Want to define Preferred Address as “Home” only - not “All”

Needs to be updated on the cutover field mapping form

This is what I see on the mapping form : is this correct ?

do not map patron barcode at CO ?


Action: TBD

Andrea to do.

From Andrea(5/5): @LLacel , based on your final comment in the basecamp thread noted above, I will leave USER_ID mapped to Barcode.

retain ledgers and funds for CO


course reserve unit mapping



From Andrea (5/5): @LLacel , since you are not migrating courses at Cutover, this does not matter for you.

preferred name mapping



Migration Preferences (For Colleges to Complete)

Indicate your library’s migration preferences by selecting the appropriate check boxes below. Use the links in the header row to find background information and documentation to assist with each decision.

Confirm Serial Control - bib matchpoint


Sirsi Item Material Type Mapping


See Basecamp FAQ

Do you want PQIS enrichment and/or EBC run for you at Cutover, in addition to your 360 or LR form activations?

Troubleshooting E-Resource Duplication Issues

Will you participate in Fulfillment Cutover?

ExL Documentation

Will you use the Alma offline Circ Utility during Fulfillment Freeze?

ExL Documentation

Confirm Serial Control - bib matchpoint


Sirsi Item Material Type Mapping


See Basecamp FAQ

Do you want PQIS enrichment and/or EBC run for you at Cutover, in addition to your 360 or LR form activations?

Troubleshooting E-Resource Duplication Issues

Will you participate in Fulfillment Cutover?

ExL Documentation

Will you use the Alma offline Circ Utility during Fulfillment Freeze?

ExL Documentation


From Andrea (5/5): Done.


From Andrea (5/5): Done.


From Andrea (5/5): Noted

PQIS Activations

Ebook Central Integration (Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription)



From Andrea (5/5): Noted




From Andrea (5/5): Noted




From Andrea (5/5): Noted




Data Preferences (For Colleges to Complete)

Check all that you are submitting again for Cutover.




Data Extract Tracking (For Sirsi Colleges and OCLS to Complete)

This table will be used to capture details of the data extract scope indicated above in the Data Preferences table. You may prefer to exclude records from the data extracts that OCLS will complete on your behalf. Use the second column of this table to provide the details OCLS will use to exclude data from your extracts if this is your preference. For example, indicate “exclude bib records that contain 996=Proquest. You will find examples of exclusion identifiers in the third column. Please provide whatever information will be necessary to identify records for exclusion.

Data Type

Exclusion Identifier


Exclusion Identifier Examples


Status (For OCLS to Complete)

Data Type

Exclusion Identifier


Exclusion Identifier Examples


Status (For OCLS to Complete)

Bibliographic Records (Shadowed records)

3 records



Exclude bib records that contain certain MARC fields such as 996=Proquest, or 856=www.nfb.ca

Do you want Multi-volume custom script?

Background information

Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25

Bibliographic Records (unshadowed records)

12,788 records


Exclude bib records that contain certain MARC fields such as 996=Proquest, or 856=www.nfb.ca


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25



Exclude Item Type=LAPTOP (Laptops or other equipment items can be put into another location in Alma.)

We are not migrating Course reserves at CO

Reviewed SB 5/10



43,033 records


Exclude User Profile=ADMIN


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25

Fines and Fees/Active Bills

1703 records


Exclude Bill Reason=PROCESSFEE


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25

Active Loans

542 records


Exclude all loans for the the pseudo user=MISSING


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25

Requests/Available Holds

1 record


Not applicable


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25

Serial Control

84 records


Exclude Serial Control Created > , or < DATE


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25


5729 records


Exclude Issue Created > , or < DATE


Reviewed SB 5/10

Extracted SB 5/25



Exclude Funds Created > , or < DATE

Not provided for test load.


Orders (>2011)


Exclude Closed Orders

Not provided for test load.


Invoices (>2011)


Exclude Invoices Created > , or < DATE

Not provided for test load.



OCLS Assistance with P2E (For Colleges to Complete)

Do not include collections in P2E that will be activated by other means. See the Troubleshooting e-Resource Duplication Issues note for more information.

Use the table below to identify collection titles that can be extracted in batch by OCLS for your P2E files. Include information OCLS staff can use to identify the collection records. Reviewed SB 5/10 Extracted SB 5/25

Collection Title

Collection Identifier (For example, 996=Curio, or 856=https://www.nfb.ca)

Indicate if this collection is a Database or Portfolio

Ex Libris Documentation

Collection Title

Collection Identifier (For example, 996=Curio, or 856=https://www.nfb.ca)

Indicate if this collection is a Database or Portfolio

Ex Libris Documentation

Publications du gouvernement du Canada


Portfolio (these titles are e-portfolios) They should all be under that collection.



Portfolio (these titles are e-books/portfolios. Part of the Cantook e-books collection.

Note to Jennifer : 2 important notes :

In Alma, from test load, these portfolios are identified as book-electronic (which is fine). Right now, when clicking on the holdings (electronic (1) ) the collection name is always the title of the book. This seems ok but shouldn’t it be the collection title Cantook (or I think I had put Archambault in my original P2E) ?

Also, in Primo, these e-books are identified as Database. This does not make sense to me. I know Primo codes differently it seems, but these are identified as e-books in Alma. They are part of a collection (Cantook). We don’t subscribe to the whole database (basically Cantook is the interface where the books are housed). We buy a certain number of the e-books - it’s kind of a selective package. Not a database. I don’t understand why every e-books show as Database.





Add additional Rows as necessary




Link to Test Load Environment Release Notes (For Ex Libris to Complete)

Notes regarding La Cité College - Test Load Environment Release can be found on a different page: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/379781296

Link to Mapping and Migration Form Version Tracking Page

La Cité - Mapping & Migration Forms


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