Mapping Form Instructions & Tracking


OCLS extracted and validated your files and provided your data files to Ex Libris already. Mapping and Migration Forms were created in the validation process based on the data files extracted.

Ex Libris has asked you to keep track of changes that you make to the Mapping Forms. Please use the table on your Mapping Form Instructions page below to track these changes.

We have prepared Symphony Data Mapping Form Instructions for each college. Please select yours from the list below.

OCLS is working on a solution for Acquisitions data migration but it is not yet available. Before OCLS can complete the Acq. data extracts, we need colleges to confirm the Ledger Code and Ledger Names using the Sirsi Acquisitions Data Migration Instructions.

Once you have an updated your Funds File with Ledger Codes and Ledger Names, colleges wishing to migrate Acquisitions data can begin working on Migration and Mapping forms that do not include Acquisitions data using the instructions below.


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