Symphony Data Mapping & Migration Form Instructions

Symphony Data Mapping & Migration Form Instructions


Mapping and Migration Forms have been created in the validation process based on the data files extracted. Data extracts have been loaded to MFT Folders on your behalf and Mapping and Migration Forms are available from OCLS FTP.

The deadline for draft Migration and Mapping Forms for test-load is November 5th and final versions for test-load are due on November 12th. Please focus on completing these forms.

You can review your Error, Warning or Failed files in time for cut-over, and ask ExLibris if you have any questions regarding these files. Any corrections to your data can be made after test-load and before cut-over.

Please see the Symphony Data Extract and Validation page for details on your data extracts.

OCLS is working on a solution for Acquisitions data migration but it is not yet available. Before OCLS can complete the Acq. data extracts, we need colleges to confirm the Ledger Code and Ledger Names using the Sirsi Acquisitions Data Migration Instructions.

Once you have an updated your Funds File with Ledger Codes and Ledger Names, colleges wishing to migrate Acquisitions data can begin working on Migration and Mapping forms that do not include Acquisitions data using the instructions below.

Step One: Complete Draft Mapping Forms

  1. Download your Mapping Form from OCLS FTP.

  2. Review Mapping Form Instructions & Tracking for your college.

  3. Review and remove values from your Mapping Form as per those instructions.

  4. Use the table on that page to track changes you make in your forms.

  5. Save new file as “collegename_field_mapping_UNLOCKED_YYYYMMDD.xlsx” and upload to your college’s MFT folder with Ex Libris.

Step Two: Complete Draft Migration Forms

  1. Download your Migration Form from OCLS FTP.

  2. Review the Migration Form Instructions.

  3. Save new file as “collegename_symphony_sirsi_migration_form_YYYYMMDD.xlsx” and upload to your colleges MFT folder with Ex Libris.

Step Three: Advise Ex Libris Your Files are Ready for Review

Use the table below to inform Ex Libris that your files have been loaded to MFT and are ready for review.

You must log in to Confluence and select the “edit” icon on this page to add your college name and change the status and files in the table below.

College Name

Mapping Form Loaded to MFT and Ready for Ex Libris to Review (Yes/No)

Migration Form Loaded to MFT and Ready for Ex Libris to Review (Yes/No)

College Name

Mapping Form Loaded to MFT and Ready for Ex Libris to Review (Yes/No)

Migration Form Loaded to MFT and Ready for Ex Libris to Review (Yes/No)


Yes > original
Yes > ACQ version > deleted line 39 in the Orders tab and line 51, 53-58 in the Invoices tab

Yes > original
Yes > ACQ version
















St. Lawrence









George Brown

Yes; ACQ version loaded Nov 9 under Submitted Documents folder.

Yes; ACQ version loaded Nov 9 under Submitted Documents folder.



ACQ file loaded to MFT - small change on Orders tab


ACQ file loaded to MFT







Draft forms are due on November 5th but you are encouraged to submit them as soon as you are ready. The sooner the better so Ex Libris can begin reviewing.

Step Four: Ex Libris Finalizes Forms & College Approval

If further changes are required to your forms after your individual meeting with Ex Libris:

  1. Andrea/Olivia will notify you that your revised forms have been loaded to MFT and are ready for review in the Revised forms are in MFT for final review column.
    Note: This will probably be within 1-2 days of the meeting. Make sure to “watch” this page to receive notifications for changes.

  2. Please review the forms and address any questions Andrea or Olivia have added to the Notes column.

  3. When your forms are completely final, you should load the final version to MFT, and type “Approved” in the Final Migration & Field Mapping Forms Approved column.

You must log in to Confluence and select the “edit” icon on this page to edit the table below.

College Name

Revised forms are in MFT for final review
(Yes/No/Not Required)

Ex Libris to complete

Final Migration & Field Mapping Forms Approved

College to complete


Ex Libris & College use as needed

College Name

Revised forms are in MFT for final review
(Yes/No/Not Required)

Ex Libris to complete

Final Migration & Field Mapping Forms Approved

College to complete


Ex Libris & College use as needed



18 Nov: approved file is Humber_sirsi_migration_form__MASTER_updatedv004.xlsm

field mapping file:
*we did not make any changes to the master 20211118 version

17 Nov history: approved file is Humber_sirsi_migration_form__MASTER_updated20211117.xlsm

*we want to choose option 3 for the Item Material tab
*we made a change to the Questionnaire tab > row 21 > column B from 985## to 986## according to the Nov 16 meeting notes (949 to 986; 004 to 951; 536 to 590; 541 to 591)

16 Nov: from ExL: The validator flagged some errors in the migration form: See tab "Report 2021-11-16..." It will list lines of the form where we have broken some rules, like:
Holding Code: Lines 6, 11, 15 do not refer to an existing paring in Columns A/B on the location tab. Please review and fix.
Alma Location tab: where lines that are mapped to the same Alma Library/Location pair (columns c and d) the rest of the row must also be the same. Lines 12-15 are done correctly; lines 23 and 24 break this rule. Please review and make changes where flagged.
Alma Location tab: Column F, Alma Location Name can only be associated with a single location per library. E.G see lines 12 and 22, where they have different values in Column D, but the same value, For Review, in column F. Please review and make changes where flagged.

Also: Humber making changes to material type

Follow up question: for your UserStatCategories tab, I know you are interested in collapsing multiple lines into one, like “Nursing.” But thinking ahead to SIS: which value will be in your SIS load for Categorry 1…will it be “0351,” or will it be “LAW?” In Column C, you want to have a value that will also be in your SIS.
Humber Nov 17 response: we are going to be working on a completely new SIS integration that will replace many of these values entirely. The values in the current form such as LAW have been chosen deliberately in preparation for any new information what will be in the new integration. (ok. --AB)

18 Nov (from Andrea): You need to fix location errors like lines 15 and 42, where within the Alma NORTH library you have a location code ONLINE with location name “For Review” (Column F). But in line 42 you have a different location within NORTH, FORREVIEW where the description is also “For Review” (column F). Please see the final tab of the new migration form for a list of these errors, and review https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/Symphony_to_Alma_Data_Delivery_and_Migration_Guide#Alma_Location_Name_and_Alma_External_Location_Name .

18 Nov (Humber response): made all of the requested changes

Dec 2 (from Andrea): @Lisa Di Barbora et al, thanks for the changes. Your foam is valid now, so your inputs are pretty much ready to go for migration (I spot-checked your amended 360 db report and things looked ok. Thx!)

La Cite



12 Nov: pending decision on additional ID

15 Nov: email added as an ID. new form on MFT.

18 Nov: we would like to choose OPTION 3 for the Item Material Tab.

Nov 19 (from Andrea): Forms updated for option 3. Pls update the Item Material” tab of the migration form, and reupload.

Note from La Cité : reuploaded under : LaCite_Sirsi_Migration_Form_MASTER_20211122


Dec. 6 (from Andrea): @LLacel , your inputs are ready to go for migration. Thanks!




Notes from Andrea:

  1. Based on the OCLS recommendation, instead of copying/moving your 004 to 954, I will move it to 951. (as we will for all sites). I have made the necessary change to your migration form.

  2. Please let me know by Nov. 19 if there are any additional fields in the specified range that you want make local.

  3. Are there any elements of your patron data that you would like to protect from being overwritten by SIS? This is not required. But for example, perhaps there is a certain email type, or phone type, that will not be in your Banner load. We can make it internal and it will stay in Alma, attached to the patron record, even if it does not exist in the SIS load.

  4. Your P2E has two lines for bib ID 129195. In one line it is identified as a database, and as a portfolios in another. Which is correct? Only one entry is allowed.

Dec. 3 (from Andrea): @Shannon Arsenault , FYI, your inputs are basically ready for migration. Thanks!





15 Nov: posted, pending review by ExL (scripts for value extract--all bibs reviewed?) and Sheridan (Base Status, Item Type, Item Material)

16 Nov: ExL confirmed that all bibs were checked when extracting values for migration form tabs (e.g for Item Type tab & Base Status tab) .

18 Nov (from Sheridan): @Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) Our team wants to go with Option #3, outlined on this BC page: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/23965261/messages/4361906962

18 Nov (from Sheridan): @Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) we uploaded the revised forms to MFT folder for you to review and prepare for tomorrow’s session at 2pm. Both file names are suffixed with ‘Sheridan Updates’. The tabs in Blue color are ones we made changes.


19 Nov (from Andrea): latest forms are on MFT, with changes discussed in the meeting. Ready for Stat category corrections. Pls change the file name in some way when you reupload. Thanks!!


19 Nov (from Sheridan): the latest migration form file (Sheridan_Sirsi_Migration_Form_MASTER_2021119__v004_SheridanUpdated.xlsm) is on MFT. For the error about course unit, we couldn’t update A5, so please insert ' ALMAME_VAL_NOT_FOUND’ in A5, and ‘NOT_FOUND’ in C5. For the warning about B13, we left empty bacause we don’t use SFX.

There is no changes required for mapping form so we didn’t upload a new version.

3 Dec (from Andrea): @Lingling Jiang , I made the corrections needed to the migration form and it is on MFT. Your migration inputs are ready to go!





Dec 6 (from Andrea): @Carol McNabb , there are still a few inconsistencies on your migration form, User Group tab.

Most groups mapped to “STAFF/STAFF” are marked “Y” for internal, except the row coming from “FAC_STAFF”. If you need this row to be “N,” for internal, they need to be their own User Group. You can’t have different rows mapped to the same Alma group, but different “Y” vs. “N” values.

You’ve got the same issues with several rows that are mapped to STUDENT, but with different “Y” vs. “N” values.


Please fix and reupload as soon as possible. Thanks!


Dec 9 (from Andrea): your migration inputs are ready to go.



we would like to switch to option 3 for Item Material

Stat Category descriptions have been added - updated form uploaded to MFT Fanshawe_Sirsi_Migration_Form_MASTER_updated_20211117

Note from Andrea: forms on MFT and final, pending email username as ID type--instructions sent via email to Tony.

Nov. 16: please populate column D of the UserStatCategory tab, and reupload the form


Nov. 17 (from Andrea): migration form that allows for Item Material mapping is now on MFT. New field mapping also uploaded, to reflect the change. November 19 (from Tony): updated/final migration form uploaded to MFT Fanshawe_Sirsi_Migration_Form_MASTER_updated_20211119


Dec. 11 (from Andrea): @aonorato (Deactivated) For user stat categories, you can’t have two different codes (Column C) with the same description (Column D).


I can append the code value from C to the value in column D, like:


2) or: are you trying to collapse several rows, like 5-12, into a single Alma stat category?


To do that, the form would look like:


You can do this, but you want to make sure you maintain codes that will be coming from your SIS.


Let me know. If you choose option1 I can make the change. If you choose #2, please make the change and submit a new form. Thanks!

Dec 1 (from Tony) @Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) we’re going to combine categories using option 2 and when we setup SIS we’ll only include the program and exclude the level. I’ve updated the form and uploaded it to MFT. On lines 1512-1513 I can’t save HSA as the Alma stat category - it autocorrects to HAS every time which is used for a different program on lines 1407-1410. And it sounds like there isn’t a catch all to group the individual courses together so I’ve copied those values into the stat category description for now.


Dec 2 (from Andrea): @aonorato (Deactivated) , I was able to fix the “HSA” values by typing in the input box at the top, rather than in the cell directly.

I had to validate the new version of the form, and that is now on MFT. I think your inputs for migration are ready to go!





17 Nov (Andrea note): Centennial staff should: fill in Item material tab and review errors from the validator, e.g. making User Stat Category descriptions unique. Use the files posted to MFT as your starting point. Upload edited forms to MFT with new data in the file name.

19 Nov (from Katrina): form edited/completed and file with date of 20211119 uploaded to MFT

30 Nov (from Eva): Two 360 reports uploaded to MFT: Database_Details_Report_CC.-2021-11-20-92127.csv

Dec 6 (from Andrea): your migration inputs are ready to go. FYI!

St. Lawrence



15 Nov: ExL: checking on patron validation; St.Law: check Stat category descriptions (see error tab)

16 Nov: from ExL: no issue with patron validation; file and mapping are ok

17 Nov: from Brenda: Stat Categories corrected and file reloaded with new date in MFT.

Dec 1(from Andrea): @Brenda Stull Desjardins , I made the corrections to include the additional user stat category and new migration form is on MFT. Can you confirm you are not submitting P2E for Test Load?

@Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) That is correct we are not submitting P2E for Test Load.

Ok @Brenda Stull Desjardins . That means your migration inputs are ready for Test Load! Final review is complete.





Dec 9 (from Andrea): Your migration inputs are ready to go for Test Load!



file is called: Sault_Symphony_Sirsi_Migration_Form__MASTER_20211117.xlsm

Dec 9 (from Andrea): Your migration inputs are ready to go for Test Load!

George Brown



For Item Material mapping, we chose option 3, as been discussed in the meeting.

16 Nov (from Andrea): a few holdings codes still aren't mapped to real Symphony library/location pairs--pls review this tab. These are also noted on the error tab of the migration form. Pls populate the Item Material tab, and fix descriptions as needed on the User stat category tab.

November 19 (from Joy ): Final migration form uploaded to MFT. Made changes as requested (holding codes; Item material tab, user statsCat, also changed one library code to conform to the 10 character limit).

Dec. 1st (from Joy): @Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) Not sure whether it’s still ok to make a small edit. Not a big deal if not, since I can still make changes when I have the environment. Let me know. Thanks!


@Joy Wen (Unlicensed) , what are you hoping to change?

@Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) see the part in green: put STUDENTEXT to a user group called Extended.

@Joy Wen (Unlicensed) , I’ll make that change for you. I haven't done the final validation on your site yet.

@Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) ok, great, thanks!

@Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) Could you also change the following (in green) to Equipment 3 day loan? I promise this is the last one. Thanks again!


Dec 2 (from Andrea) ok, @Joy Wen (Unlicensed) . I can make those small changes. One question: which of these forms should I use? They both have the same date. Thanks!


And, @Joy Wen (Unlicensed) , small issue with your migration form. On the “Alma Location” tab, lines 17 and 18 : column C must be a value from the Alma Library tab.

“300_Adelaide” doesn’t exist over there:

And: it looks like we do need addresses for the libraries--the validator is yelling about it. Thx!

I had made the other changes, so the new form on MFT has today’s date, Dec 02.

Dec. 2 (from Joy): I just revised the form based on your feedback and uploaded to MFT. Please let me know if any questions. Thanks! @Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed)


@Joy Wen (Unlicensed) , you are basically ready for migration, if you can confirm which e-resource from is the most recent. I assume it’s the “-Final” one, but just checking.



Updates made to migration form and loaded to MFT with new date. Can you populate the item materials tab?

*Also the Master Mapping file does not have the Acquisitions tabs included - the files were not merged. Thanks!

Current Mapping form on MFT is approved. Algonquin_Field_Mapping_MASTER_20211119

Final Migration form uploaded to MFT, file ending _20211119-v3

19 Nov (from Andrea): please let me know your decision about Item Material as soon as possible.

I added some lines to the Alma Location tab which you need to fill in--locations in your data that our validator had missed. Likewise: there are extra lines for you to populate on the Item Type tab.

From Maureen: We would like to try option 3 for Item Material. How should we fill in the Item Material tab in that case?


19 Nov (Andrea): YIKES! Field mapping form has been corrected and uploaded, per your note.

I populated the “Item Material” tab. For each row you must choose an option from the drop-down menu to populate Column C. My file name ends like “…20211191-b,” so just make some change to the file name when you upload the new one.

3 Dec (from Andrea) @Maureen Sheppard (Unlicensed) , fyi, your migration inputs are basically ready to go. Thanks!




Note from Andrea: Are there any patron data fields that you would like to protect from being overwritten by SIS? For example, if there is a certain patron ID in Symphony that would not be part of your Banner load, we can mark it as internal so that you don’t lose it when the record is updated by SIS.

Dec 9 (from Andrea): you are ready to go for migration!




Chris: let me know if there are tags that should move to a 9xx in the 950-999 I will do the 004 From Chris, Nov 19: Can you move 949 to 988? We’re not exactly sure what 949 has been used for in the past but some records have Conestoga specific details in them in 949. 988 is unused by us. If this can be done, then we don’t need to protect 949 as per the instruction in Questionnaire Row 21 in my 20211119 Updated form.

Nov 16: please populate Column D of the UserStatCategory tab, and reupload. From Chris, Nov 19: Done. If it’s possible to remove the words “course code” from the value and description, I’d rather that. I just couldn’t seem to enter our 00XX style codes witout the zeros dropping due to excel’s wizardry.

Chris, Nov 19: Migration Form resubmitted to MFT with changes noted above, as well as:

  • Revisions to Questionnaire Row 21

  • Item Material tab mapped

  • Further categories set to “not found” on User Group Tab.

Mapping Form not resumbitted; no changes.

Andrea, Nov 22: @Chris Woodley , you listed 949 as a desired local tag. In the IZ your 9xx local fields must be between 950-999. I will move 949 to 959, and make 959 local on the migration form--so the 949 tag data will still be preserved, but in 959. After this, no further changes will be needed to forms. I’ll indicate here when I’m done.

Dec. 6 (from Andrea): @Chris Woodley , I removed the “course code” string from the user stat categories and put the form on MFT. Let me know ASAP if it still isn’t right because otherwise: you are ready to go for migration.


Yes -



Yes - have uploaded to MFT the revised Symphony mapping form including changes made to reflect Option 3 for Item Type.

Note: Olivia made whatever changes necessary on the Field Mapping_Unlocked form at the time of our meeting (Nov. 18)

Notes from Olivia:

Based on call - make recommended changes to item type and material type tabs. UPDATE from Carol: choosing Option 3 and will update appropriate tabs as necessary (Nov.17)

Forgot to say that I will copy 004 (Sirsi cat key) to 951 and marking as local on Migration Form.

If there are any patron data fields you would like to protect from being overwritten by SIS? UPDATE from Carol: do not believe so; will review once we have test environment (Nov. 17)


Nov 19 (from Andrea): new forms on MFT. Pls review migration form errors in the final tab. Revise form and reupload (change file name slightly if needed.)

Nov 21 (from Carol):: revised and uploaded ; file ends in 20211121_CM Note: re last issue on list re COURSE UNIT - I could not unprotect A5 to change what was populated there



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