Using the Auto-Logout Feature in LibraryH3lp
Please set the Auto-Logout timer every time you log in
Continue to manually log out at the end of your shift as you have always done. This procedure does not replace standard logout procedures
The Auto Logout feature is a backup measure in case staff forget to logout.
Setting the auto-logout timer
askON Staff must set the auto-logout timer in the “Choose Staffing Assignments” pop-up at each login.
Select the “Use timer” option
Choose a time length slightly longer than your shift in case your shift runs a few minutes past the hour, for example if you are still helping a patron or if your replacement has not yet arrived.
For a one-hour shift, a suggested timer length is 1 hr 15 minutes
Please avoid selecting “Never auto-logout”
Double check the timer at each login
If your timer goes off during your shift
You will see a popup that prompts you to either reset the timer and continue working, or to log out of the system
You will have 90 seconds to reset the timer before you are disconnected, so make your selection quickly (you will know you have been disconnected if you see the login screen)
To continue staffing the service: choose a new timer length and select “Remain logged in”
To log out: Select “Log me out” and then close your browser.
Never ignore the auto-logout prompt. You will still be connected to queues and the service will stay on while this dialogue box is open. If you wish to log out, please ensure you promptly select Log me out.
If your timer does not go off during your shift
Log out as usual using the logout option in the upper right of your screen or the logout option at the bottom of the left-hand menu
Adjusting the timer during your shift
Note that if you need to adjust your timer partway through your shift, you can do so under Preferences.