LEAP Assessment Sign-Up Sheet 2024/2025

LEAP Assessment Sign-Up Sheet 2024/2025

How to use the sheet

  • Please indicate your selection by adding your college's name in the yellow College Selection column (G).

  • To find resources that are up for assessment, filter for Up for Assessment resources in the Assessment Status column (E).

    • Resources may be up for assessment because they have not yet been assessed, have undergone platform updates, have low scores, or have been assessed over three years ago.

  • To find resources your college subscribes to, find the column with your college's name at the top and filter for YES.

  • Resource Names highlighted in blue have been prioritized for assessment this year.

When selecting a database to assess, consider:

  • This is a non-comprehensive list of databases subscribed to by the college libraries. If there is a resource that is not on this list that you would like to assess, please add it to the list and include all relevant details.

  • It may not be necessary to review every database from the same vendor in cases where they provide the same interface and similar content.

  • If you know of a library database that has been assessed through LEAP that has since undergone a platform change/upgrade, please email msong@ocls.ca.

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