Cambrian College_Onboarding Discussions

Cambrian College_Bibliographic record discussion

Hilary; Marnie Seal; Danielle Emon

Meeting Notes - September 24, 2021

MARC Bib records: - a quick preview shows that records use MARC-8 encoding; holdings and barcodes in 852; no authority control numbers to clean. 

ACTION: @Danielle Emon to confirm needed encoding standard for data files. Message posted to Basecamp.
ACTION: @Hilary Kelly to send Holdings record file to Danielle – just a small file showing records with multiple copies
  • Note:  Many older Cambrian records do not have a SIRSI 035, however later records do – foresee the need to take use post-migration job to link older records to the Network Zone.  Assured Cambrian staff that even though not all records will link to Network Zone on first pass, their records will remain in Institution Zone (IZ) in Alma.

Holdings; Item records – Cambrian’s sample file shows that records are tagged with 852 |a OSUC.  As this is a smaller file, Danielle asked if there are any holdings that would need to go to a different location – that requires a different loan period?  How are these identified?

 o     Hilary has supplied list of physical items item groups with prefixes, etc.  There is still some weeding to be done.  Also discussed was simplification of locations prior to migration.

 Suppressed Bib records: Cambrian does have a number of records suppressed from Discovery to reduce physical item requests during COVID.  These records are to be unsuppressed later.  Cambrian would like to migrated as suppressed.  

 ACTION:  Hilary/Marnie:  Purge anything that has been withdrawn.  Keep other records suppressed as needed.  These records can be migrated to Alma, but will need to be suppressed by ExLibris staff after migration by loading and matching a.csv file 001 (unique number).   A Mandarin report will need to be run to isolate the unique IDs for these records.  Possibly some help will be needed from Mandarin Tech Support.
 ACTION:  @Danielle Emon to confirm via Basecamp process for loading and suppressing records. Posted. DE.

 Non-MARC serial holdings: Cambrian to assume serial holdings are MARC.  This collection will be relatively small – serial collection is being weeded in favour of electronic subscriptions.

 Loans (active); Hold requests; Fines/fees – you may need to look at either the tags in the patron file or the Mandarin transaction.ini file to find out which Mandarin fields hold current fines, loans and holds that you wish to map over to Alma at cutover. These will need to mapped to Alma fields.  This would allow you to migrate

Patron file – find out what is needed.   

ACTION: @Danielle Emonto share with Hilary steps Loyalist used to extract patron information.  Note:  This patron file is used prior to cutover so that loans, fines, holds, etc., can be moved over to Alma.  At some point it should be overwritten by the SIS load.

 Cambrian’s Mandarin Contract: has been renewed to August/September 2022.  Loyalist’s experience was that they simply wrote Mandarin to say that the Technical Support contract would not be renewed.  There was no concern.   Note:  specific exit services from Mandarin were not discussed – i.e., whether they would provide files for Cambrian.

 Equipment Database: 

o    Multiple 852 attached to each bib representing different parts of a broader kit – all items must be signed out due to control needed on individual pieces of equipment

o    Question:  Do these belong to different locations in the college?  Do they have different loan periods?  Example:  Glen Crombie Centre and OSUC; Cambrian College Library.  May need to combine/add subfield $a for successful mapping.  Hilary has supplied a physical item /location list.

o    No call number in $h, but some descripton in $k  – just part number

ACTION:  Discuss with Ex Libris – how to restrict an equipment location to particular patrons.
ACTION:  Basecamp – equipment database – describe records, upload sample file – request best migration route.  Note: some older content may be purged

 eResources:  ProQuest; Criterion; ACF; NFB; discussed strategy briefly.  Cambrian currently has ProQuest ebook Central ; Criterion; ACF; NFB  in catalogue, and others.  Discussed Alma’s ability to use Marc records already in Community Zone – particularly for ProQuest ebook Central – so no need to extract from Mandarin to migrate. Criterion; ACF & NFB are currently purchased via OCLS – discussed that it might be useful to see which of these might be loaded via Network Zone before trying to manage locally.




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