Comms 1 - Welcome email to subcommittee

Comms 1 - Welcome email to subcommittee

June 16, 2021

Emailed to membership:

jqin@stclaircollege.ca; CWoodley@conestogac.on.ca; reinham@algonquincollege.com; mailto:l_holton@fanshawec.ca; carol.mcnabb@georgiancollege.ca; cheryl.wardell@flemingcollege.ca; donna.walsh@sheridancollege.ca; lindsay.bontje@humber.ca; hsarvari@ocls.ca

Good afternoon,


Thank you so much for stepping up to be involved in the CLSP Ex Libris implementation working groups.  We are so excited to keep moving forward toward the new system.


As a member of the Implementation Steering Committee and the Chair of the CLO CLSP Eresources and Acquisitions Subcommittee I am pleased to announce the names of the selected members to this subcommittee: 


CLO CLSP Eresources and Acquisitions Subcommittee



Leigh Cunningham, Subcommittee Chair

St. Lawrence

Joanne Qin

St. Clair

Chris Woodley


Mary Anne Reinhard


Laura Holton


Carol McNabb


Cheryl Wardell


Donna Walsh


Lindsay Bontje


Holly Sarvari, Advisor





Committee membership will involve regular meetings (to be established by each subcommittee) and the sharing of expertise to drive implementation forward for each area.


I will set up a doodle poll to determine future meeting times; due to the size of the committee and summer vacation commitments, it is understandable that members may not be able to attend all meetings.






Member, CLSP Implementation Steering Committee

Chair, CLO CLSP E-resources and Acquisitions Subcommittee


Leigh Cunningham, MISt [she/her]

Associate Director, Libraries and Student Success

Student Affairs, St. Lawrence College – Brockville, Cornwall, Kingston

Phone: 613-544-5400,  ext. 1156

Email: ldcunningham@sl.on.ca


Services: Libraries | Academic Support Centres | Peer Tutoring Program

Faculty Services | Online Learning Guide | Copyright & OER | Academic Integrity | The Learning Portal

Instagram: @SLCLibraries | YouTube | Twitter: @SLCLibraries


St. Lawrence College is situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples. May we always be grateful to live and learn on these lands.