2021-06-22 Meeting Minutes

2021-06-22 Meeting Minutes


  1. David Luinstra (Co-Chair)

  2. Leigh Cunningham (Subcommittee Chair – eResources/Acquisitions)

  3. John Ellis (Subcommittee Chair – Systems/Analytics/Data)

  4. Jane Burpee (Subcommittee Chair – Training/Communications/PR)

  5. Virginia Roy (OCLS)

  6. Liana Giovando (Project Manager)

  7. Thomas Guignard (OCLS)


  1. Jessica Bugorski (Co-Chair) 

  2. Dijana Kladnjakovic & Stacey Boileau (Subcommittee Chair – Metadata/Cataloging)

  3. Rachel Caldwell (Subcommittee Chair – Discovery/Customer Service/Front End)

Action Items

Liana to reschedule CLSP ISC Meetings from OCLS account so that the Project Office may host and be responsible for meeting documentation.
Liana to share Leganto pricing with the group as an FYI for those interested.
Liana to prepare “get-ready” informational packages for library leadership to pass on to IT departments in colleges.
Liana will prepare a ‘best practices document’ to share with Subcommittee Chairs regarding the use of Confluence for organizing documents, workflows, and communication.
Liana will invite all members of the Steering Committee to create an account in Atlassian so they have permission to edit the collaborative space in Confluence.

Subcommittee Chairs to get in touch with the committee members to welcome them:

Metadata (Dijana & Stacey)
EResources (Leigh)
Systems (John)
Discovery (Rachel)
Training (Jane)

Discussion Items

  • Partnership/Participation MOU and Intro Letter was delivered June 22, 2021. Participants have been asked to return signed MOUs by Wednesday June 30, 2021. Liana is collecting signed versions of the documents. Please direct any questions to Liana.


  • SLA Areas of Concern

The table below shows the SLA areas of concern ranked by priority (8 Responses collected via Survey Monkey as of June 22 at 4:30pm). Respondents include John Ellis, Dijana Kladnjakovic, Leigh Cunningham, Justin Johnston, Jane Burpee, Virginia, Jess Bugorski, Rachel Caldwell.

This list will inform those doing the negotiation regarding what to push for and what may have a little wiggle room. Attendees noted that “Content Neutrality” is rated highly because vendors often agree to take action but “without skin in the game”, they will not be as likely to follow through.

Area of Concern

Priority Score

Service standards & Support meetings




Content neutrality


Information security and privacy


Search performance


Services included




Indexing performance


Migration costs for legacy systems


Leganto add-on


Analytics module performance


Warranty period


French support




  • Subcommittees – Meeting protocol and other housekeeping

Subcommittee Chairs are directed to include all work of the committee in the Committee Pages assigned to them in Confluence. This includes meeting minutes, working documents and links to any external documentation the committee needs to do its work. Meeting schedules and format will be at the discretion of the Chair.

Action Item: Liana will prepare a ‘best practices document’ to share with Subcommittee Chairs regarding the use of Confluence for organizing documents, resources and communication.

Action Item: Liana will prepare FYI packages for library leadership to pass on to IT departments in colleges.

We are waiting for the SLA to progress a bit further before providing direction to Subcommittees regarding action or next steps. Hopefully by next week we will have a more clear message.

  • Intro to Confluence/CLSP Implementation Collaboration Site

Action Item: Liana will invite all members of the Steering Committee to create an account in Atlassian so they have permission to edit the collaborative space in Confluence. Each Subcommittee Chair will have permission to edit pages assigned to their own subcommittee only, with the exception of Jane (Training/Communications Chair) who will have permission to edit other areas of the site as well. The Steering Committee Co-Chairs, David and Jess, will also have permission to edit other areas of the site as a back-up.

Once you have created your account in Atlassian, Liana will use the Administrator privileges to log into Confluence as you and change your notification settings. She will remove all “Watched” documents from your account. This means you will not receive alerts or notifications when changes are made to any documents in the collaborative space. You will need to go to the page you want to “Watch” and select the small icon in the upper right that looks like an eye if you wish to receive notifications regarding changes to that page.