OCLS will be able to extract Acquisitions data from Sirsi but it is not yet available. In the meantime, colleges wishing to migrate Acquisitions data can begin working on Migration and Mapping forms that do not include Acquisitions data. New Migration and Mapping forms will be made available once the Acq. data extracts are complete. Colleges will need to confirm the Acq. data on those forms is mapped as it should be but they will not need to redo other tabs in the new forms. Ex Libris has agreed to merge the mapping and migration forms that have initial edits with the forms that include acq data later.
Step One: Update your Funds File
Retrieve the Excel file called, “college_funds_YYYMMDD” from OCLS FTP (/out/Extract_for_ALMA/Extracts)
Use Column “A” to add the Ledger Code
Use Column “B” to add the Ledger Name
For more information, see https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/Symphony_to_Alma_Data_Delivery_and_Migration_Guide#Funds
Please do not make any changes to Fund IDs
Save updated Excel file as “college_funds_YYYMMDD_Updated” and load to OCLS FTP (/out/Extract_for_ALMA/Extracts).
Complete Steps One through Three on the Symphony Data Mapping & Migration Form Instructions page.