Digital Resource Sharing Implementation Project Plan
The third phase of the RS Implementation project will focus on the implementation of digital resource sharing between colleges using Alma and Primo VE. This phase began in the late Fall of 2024 and will continue into mid 2025.
Project Outcomes
During this phase, project members will:
Work with members of the College Libraries Ontario Copyright Special Interest Group as well as members the eResources Steering Committee and general members of the the college libraries to fully review and understand the risks and responsibilities associated with copyright and licensing as it applies to the colleges sharing digital resources.
Provide learning material and live learning events to help colleges understand the risks and responsibilities associated with copyright and licensing as it applies to the colleges sharing digital resources.
Provide instructions for configuring digitization for local requests and sample staff workflow for digitization requests.
Provide instructions for configuring digital resource sharing in Alma as well as sample workflow.
Assist interested colleges in setting up, testing, and implementing digital resource sharing with Alma and Primo VE.
Project Summary
The Resource Sharing Working Group (RSWG) has identified configurations and sample workflows necessary to enable sharing of digital materials between colleges using Alma. However, before these features can be activated by the colleges, the RSWG and Page 1+ Steering Committee wish to fully review and understand the risks and responsibilities associated with copyright and licensing as it applies to the colleges.
Copyright and Licensing
Members of the CLO Copyright Special Interest Group will be participating in this phase of the project in a consultative capacity to give guidance to the RSWG and the eResources Committee. Members of the project will help facilitate learning opportunities and share learning materials for college library members to become more familiar with copyright and licensing as it applies to sharing of digital materials.
Once the college libraries have a better understanding of how to proceed with digital resource sharing within the boundaries of copyright and licensing, the RSWG will be able to assist the colleges in implementing digital resource sharing using Alma and Primo VE.
Configuration Instructions and Sample Workflow
In the meantime, the RSWG is developing and testing configuration instructions and sample workflow. The first will be for processing digitization requests from local patrons. Digitization is the process by which a library can provide access to scanned (digitized) copies of a physical item. A digitization request is a request that all or part of a resource that the library owns (primarily physical) be digitized and made available to the patron/sent to the user. If the request falls withing Fair Dealing or an agreement allowing digitization and distribution, a library can use Alma and Primo VE to manage the request. The RSWG will share instructions for configuring digitization for local requests and sample workflow in December of 2024. A more formal tutorial and demonstration will be arranged in January 2025.
The RSWG is also developing and testing configuration instructions and sample workflow for sharing digital resources between colleges and other institutions using Alma and Primo VE. These materials along with tutorials and other learning opportunities are expected to be available to the colleges by the Spring of 2025.
Project Timeline
Dates | Activity | Participants |
September 2024 - October 2024 | Research Alma digitization configuration and workflow | RSWG Co-Chairs & OCLS |
November 2024 - December 2024 | Test digitization configurations and workflow | RSWG Co-Chairs & OCLS |
December 2024 | Share instructions for configuring digitization for local requests & Sample Staff Workflow for Local Digitization Requests | RSWG Co-Chairs & OCLS |
January 2025 | Facilitate a tutorial, demonstration and Q&A on digitization configurations and workflow | RSWG Co-Chairs & OCLS |
January - April 2025 | Test digital resource sharing configurations and workflow and develop instructions | RSWG Co-Chairs & OCLS |
February - April 2025 (tentative) | Develop guidelines and framework for mitigating risks associated with copyright and licensing as it applies to libraries sharing digital resources | CLO Copyright Interest Members, eResources Steering Committee Members, RSWG, OCLS |
May 2025 (tentative) | Facilitate learning opportunities and share learning materials on copyright and licensing guidelines and framework | CLO Copyright Interest Members, eResources Steering Committee Members, RSWG, OCLS |
May 2025 (tentative) | Share instructions for configuring digital resource sharing and sample workflow. | RSWG & OCLS |
May 2025 (tentative) | Facilitate tutorials, demonstrations and Q&A on digital resource sharing configurations and sample workflow | RSWG & OCLS |