Fanshawe College - Mapping & Migration Forms
Ex Libris has prepared pre-extraction baseline (“version zero”) forms based on your test load forms and changes discussed on the Fanshawe - Notes for Cutover page. The baseline forms, both Field Mapping and Migration, have been posted below. Please review these forms and follow instructions included in the Sirsi Field Mapping Form Version Tracking table and the Sirsi Migration Form Version Tracking table below.
E-Resource Activation Form Draft Comments
From Andrea, June 16: @aonorato (Deactivated) , we have reviewed your e-Res Activation form on MFT and it looks good.
We will consider it final. Thanks!
June 17: @aonorato (Deactivated) , I saw your note below about a possible update to your E-res form. Just tag me here or comment below if you do up load a new version to MFT. Thanks!
June 21: @Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) just confirming there were no additional changes to our P2E or E-res form so the two that are already in MFT are final, thanks!
Sirsi Field Mapping Form Version Tracking
Version | Drop-dead Due Date | Who Will Post
| name file like "...FieldMap_Reviewed_20May.xlxs"
| name like “…FieldMap_Raw_June6…”
| name file like "...FieldMap_DRAFT_June11.xlxs")
June 17: Hi, @aonorato (Deactivated) . Here is your final field mapping. Please review and approve it below. (There were no changes from the draft you submitted at left, but please do approve this copy.) |
| Notes
| Notes
| Notes
| Notes
Approved by College / @aonorato (Deactivated) Submitted to migration (Andrea will check this box) |
Sirsi Migration Form Version Tracking
Version | Drop-dead Due Date | Who Will Post
| name like "MigrationForm_Raw_May25.xlsm"
June 9, from Andrea: @aonorato (Deactivated) , here is your item subfield report I mentioned in Basecamp:
| name file like "...MigrationForm_DRAFT_date.xlxs")
@Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) we’ve found a few records in Sirsi that are incorrect and have the library/location Londonmain and Reference, but they should be Cuddy Reference. Are we able to collapse both Reference locations into the Cuddy library during cutover, or will we have to update the location of these items in Alma after go-live?
@aonorato (Deactivated) , you can map those locations to an existing Alma location via the migration form mapping. |
June 17: @aonorato (Deactivated) , here is your final migration form. Please review and approve it below. Thanks!
June 24: version with additional locals added
| Notes
| Notes
| Notes
Approved by College / @aonorato (Deactivated) Submitted to migration (Andrea will check this box) |
| From Andrea, June 14: @aonorato (Deactivated) I made some updates to your draft migration form. See below for a list of the “Changes” I made, and “Action Items” for you.
Download THIS VERSION of the migration form in order to make the changes requested in “Action Items” before you submit your final migration form. For “Changes” listed below, there is no action needed unless you want to make a different choice than I did.
Changes Andrea Made Questionnaire Tab
Location Tab
Item Type
Item Material
Action Items for You Questionnaire tab:
@Andrea Bainbridge (Unlicensed) here is our updated form, I did update line 19 of the questionnaire to match the test load All of the other changes you made look good If there are any other changes to our mapping or migration forms please let me know and I’ll get it updated asap Our eResource Activation Form is uploaded to MFT as well - we may have one small change to make next week (I’ll upload a new copy if we do end up changing any resources for cutover)