Draft Page 1+ Committee and Working Group Structure Post-Go-Live

Draft Page 1+ Committee and Working Group Structure Post-Go-Live


This document describes a possible CLO organizational structure that will account for the new roles and responsibilities introduced by Page 1+. Existing CLO steering and standing committees are included to help situate Page 1+ within the overall picture of CLO. Updated definitions of committees and working groups are also suggested as a means of simplifying CLO’s organizational structure.

This document has been prepared for the convenience of CLO. It is intended for the CLO Executive and membership to tear into, revise and reshape to their own needs.



Oversight bodies provide strategic direction and meet less frequently.

Committees provide operational direction over areas that require long-term and consistent guidance. Committees meet more regularly, report to oversight bodies, and assign working group activities.

Working Groups provide operational direction as an ad hock group formed around a single initiative with a project charter including objectives, deliverables and a timeline. Working groups report to committees and are only active for the duration of the project.

Oversight Bodies

CLO Membership

Please see the College Libraries Ontario site for terms of reference.

CLO Executive

Please see the College Libraries Ontario site for terms of reference.


Page 1+ Steering Committee (Page Turners)


The Page Turners are the operational planning committee, providing consistent leadership and decision-making that will inform policies and procedures across the system. The Committee’s goal is to ensure Page 1+ is leveraged to support collaboration and enhance CLO initiatives wherever possible.

Provide Working Group Oversight

  • Identify initiatives for Working Group assignment.

  • Chair Working Groups when possible.

  • Manage call-outs for new WG members

  • Approve Working Group Project Plans.

  • Review and approve the output of Working Groups such as formal recommendations for policy, workflows, and system configurations.

  • Coordinate WG project timelines

Report to CLO Membership

  • Prepare items for discussion at CLO meeting agendas.

  • Maintain consistent records of system-wide decisions and make them available to all Page 1+ participating libraries.

  • Prepare report to CCCVPS

Liaise with CLO Committees

  • Work with CLO Metadata Committee to preserve metadata standards, resource management quality, and collaboration across the system.

  • Work with eResource Steering Committee to ensure optimal collection development and access

  • Work with Metrics and Assessment /

Provide direction and guidance to OCLS regarding Page 1+ support services (NEW)

  • Provide direction on OCLS services related to the management of Page 1+ Systems

  • Participate in regular meetings with Ex Libris Support

  • Participate in discussions with Ex Libris regarding service needs and products.

  • Review and provide feedback on Page 1+ Service Plans

  • Supporting OCLS funding proposal preparations.

The following responsibilities should be overseen by the Page Turners but activities to fulfill these responsibilities may be delegated to Page 1+ community members or OCLS as necessary:

Manage Page 1+ Communications (NEW)

  • Oversee the promotion of Page 1+ and communication of important messaging to internal and external stakeholders.

Facilitate Learning Opportunities (NEW)

  • Ensure participating libraries are provided educational opportunities to develop skill and knowledge across all participating libraries.

  • Ensure the Page 1+ Alma & Primo VE Guide is maintained and used as a tool for colleges to develop skills in Alma and Primo VE.

Support Page 1+ Community of Practice (NEW)

  • Monitor and facilitate Community Discussion Forum

  • Monitor and facilitate Study Groups

Liaise With External Partners (NEW)

  • OCUL/Omni

  • Participate in ELUNA.

The Page Turners group is made up of six voting members and two ex officio members. Voting members must be individuals in administrative roles of the participating Page 1+ Libraries who show strong leadership and vision. The group of voting members should include regional representation from across Ontario as well as subject matter expertise.

Two Co-Chairs:

Call meetings, set agendas, chair meetings, provide updates to CLO Executive, CLO membership and other external stakeholders, review Briefing Notes and prepare as necessary to come to informed decisions on important issues raised to the Committee.

Co-chairs also sit on working groups, as needed; (co-chairs require appropriate level of comfort with report writing (reports to CLO, CCVPS, etc.)

Four Additional Voting Members

4 additional members who sit on aforementioned committees (not as chairs or voting members, necessarily).

  • eResources Committee Liaison

  • Metrics and Assessment Committee Liaison

  • Metadata & Cataloguing Liaison

  • SAD Working Group Liaison

  • Additional Working Groups as Needed

All committee members will act as back-up for each other and communicate to ensure that there is always a representative at relevant committee/working group meetings.

  • Determine a method for breaking a tie, if voting required for decisions.

  • Strong communication and documentation must be maintained between Page 1+ Steering Committee and other key CLO Committees and working groups:

committee representatives are responsible for taking notes and determining action items of relevance and importance to Page Turners

notes and actions are provided via Confluence (template to be provided) and action items are rolled up to the co-chairs as agenda items for future meetings.

Create a method for rolling up and prioritizing a) new developments from ExLibris and b) innovative ideas for use of Page 1+ (may need to appoint relevant liaisons).


Ex Officio Members:

Ex officio members includes one OCLS Executive, Manager of Services, or Page 1+ Coordinator, and one note taker? OCLS Executive Director or Manager of Services – ex officio: Offer council and guidance as a trusted partner and resource.

Service Terms

TBD - Membership will be reviewed every two years.

The Page Turners will meet monthly.

The group will meet with CLO three times per year. These meetings can be held as a part of regular CLO meetings, or as stand-alone separate meetings as the CLO membership prefers.

  1. One meeting will be held in the end of June (before vacations start) for pre-planning and brainstorming new initiatives, project proposals, and early budget estimates. This meeting will fall closely behind ELUNA where new product releases and enhancements will be announced to allow the group a chance to hear a report on ELUNA and new developments.

  2. A second meeting will be held the last week of September/early October (before Thanksgiving) to finalize the Page 1+ annual strategy with budget details, confirmed initiatives and project plans including identified working groups, objectives, deliverables and timelines.

  3. A third meeting will be held in January to celebrate the work of Page 1+ libraries, staff and partners.

Page 1+ is a collaborative effort. In order for this project to be successful, deliberations of the Page Turners and their final recommendations must be made in the name of all colleges participating in this project, as a group. Please see the Decision Making Framework for Details: https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CI/pages/77266968/Decision+Making+Framework+Draft

When an agenda item will result in a decision by the Committee, the item should be added to the agenda (in the format of a formal motion or Briefing Note) and shared with Committee members prior to the meeting with sufficient time for members to become familiar with the issue.

  • The Page Turners will strive for decision by consensus.

  • Where consensus is not possible, the decision will go to a vote by the seven voting members of the Committee (2 Co-Chairs, 5 Subcommittee Chairs).

  • All seven members will be required to vote. Votes can be submitted electronically if members are not able to make it to a meeting.

  • A vote of 4 or more carries.

The Page Turners group will be given the authority to make decisions on behalf of the CLO Membership. There may be a difference when it comes to financial decisions that impact the colleges budgets. High-impact financial decisions must be taken to all the members.

The Page 1+ Steering Committee is accountable to CLO. Do other CLO Committees such as Metadata, eResources or Metrics report to Page 1+? How will we ensure committee members are working across silos and not making decisions in isolation?

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

All meeting agendas and minutes will be stored in Confluence. Briefing Notes and official motions will be stored in Confluence, with the exception of confidential materials that will be distributed by email and saved on the OCLS H-Drive under the CLSP Project Management Office directories.

Reporting to CLO

The committee reports to College Libraries Ontario (CLO). CLO reports will be handled by the Co-chairs.

The committee recognizes College libraries that have expressed an interest in a shared ILS as their stakeholder group. The broader CLO membership is recognized as an interest group.

Communications will be provided via email to participating libraries as needed. CLO updates as required.

Reporting to CCCVP


Reporting to others?


CLO Metadata and Shared Workflows Committee


TBD: Merge Terms of Use from Bibliographic Standards Working Group and the existing Metadata & Cataloguing Subcommittee. Maintaining bibliographic standards and educating CLSP members on the use of standards.

eResource Steering Committee

TBD: Perhaps consider combining the roles/responsibilities of the existing eResource Steering Committee with the Page 1+ eResource and Acquisitions Subcommittee.

Metrics and Assessment

TBD: Perhaps consider combining the roles/responsibilities of the existing Metrics and Assessment Committee with the work of the Page 1+ Systems, Analytics, and Data Subcommittee does with Alma Analytics.



As per CLO directives

Indigenous Matters

As per CLO directives

Learning Centres

As per CLO directives

The Learning Portal

As per CLO directives

Working Groups

Alma D Implementation


Leganto Implementation


Resource Sharing


Parking Lot

Network Zone Oversight

Primo VE


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