CLSP Branding Project

CLSP Branding Project

Branding Principles Presentation - Feb. 18


English Presentation (slides only)

French Presentation (slides only)

Brand Principles Feedback

If you have any initial feedback on the proposed principles of Human-Centred, Active Connection, and/or Established, please share them with the Aubs & Mugg team at https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/o87Cumee

Branding Principles/Naming Directions Presentation - Mar. 9

Introduction (in meeting invite)

In this presentation for the CLSP brand, we'll be reviewing our refined guiding principles. These are key themes for the brand's personality, approach and tone that when used together, ensure all components of the brand remain consistent and goal-oriented.

We'll also propose some initial name directions for consideration. Note: we'll be seeking feedback from the group on the proposed names, with the goal of understanding which name direction resonates most with the team.”

 To learn more about the guiding principles, see the Branding Principles Presentation at  https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/hmRK73iF

If you have any initial feedback on the proposed principles of Human-Centred, Active Connection, and/or Established, please share them with the Aubs & Mugg team at https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/o87Cumee


  1. Brief welcome and Intro to the TCPR Branding Project with Aubs & Mugg (Jane/Liana)

  2. Presentation from Aubs and Mugg

  3. Q&A discussion

  4. Closing words (Jane/Liana)


English Presentation (slides only)

French Presentation (slides only):

Feedback Survey

After viewing the recording, please provide your feedback by completing the survey at the link below:

English version: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/fsRAvKVt

French version: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/ilUdSyl6

Branding Names Presentation - March 21

This presentation was given to the TCPR Subcommittee by Aubs & Mugg.

Please feel free to watch the recording and provide your feedback using the feedback survey links below.


English Presentation (slides only):

French Presentation (slides only):

Feedback Survey

English: CLSP Brand Feedback Form

French : https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/zK7RcUn8

Branding Names Presentation 2 - April 4

This presentation was given to the TCPR Subcommittee and ISC by Aubs & Mugg.


English Presentation (slides only):

French Presentation (slides only):

Feedback Survey

English: CLSP Brand Feedback Form

French: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/wErElcy3

Branding Names Presentation 3 - April 18

This presentation was given to the Branding Working Group and ISC by Aubs & Mugg.


Meeting starts at 7 minute mark.

English Presentation (slides only):

French Presentation (slides only):

Feedback Survey

English: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/MycF6anZ

French: https://brand-development.typeform.com/to/T4NDJZKX