askON Fundamentals Provide better info than visitors could find on their own askON is not a document delivery service Help visitors define their research needs and improve their research and digital/information literacy skills When in doubt be honest and kind
| Login/Logout Procedures Log in 5 mins before your shift begins Set the auto-logout timer and connect to both queues Never change status from “Available” Reply to offline texts with concrete info & invite visitors to return Fully log out at the end of your shift and then close your browser
Working with visitors Answer all questions to the best of your ability Guide your visitor through the search step by step Some situations may call for a referral to the visitor’s library Use the RUSA guidelines tip sheet
| Answering text messages Use a brief and friendly greeting Provide concrete information Refer to chat for complex research questions as needed Be familiar with the procedures for offline texts
Resources to help answer questions Library profiles (for library information) Library websites and subject guides College citation guides, OWL at Purdue The Learning Portal askON colleagues (through backchat or pm) Open access resources
| Canned Messages Type keywords exactly as they appear in the message OR use the canned messages button. Key messages “Welcome” “Thank you” “Save a copy” “Closing” (end of day)
Where can I find… Policies: Profiles > askON Policies Tip sheets, forms, and email templates: Profiles > askON Tools Schedules: Profiles > askON Schedule Training Material: Profiles > askON Training Login details for library resources: Database access for askON staff page (under Profiles) Always use a training account if not staffing a shift!!
| Communication Policies and Procedures You are responsible for finding shift replacement as needed (staff, talk to your site coordinator. Student operators, follow shift swap procedures to communicate through the student operator list) Let us know if there are broken links in library profiles or incorrect credentials for guest access Please review communication policies in the askON Policy doc