Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College
Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS
Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College
Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College
Tiffany Millar, Confederation College
Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College
Kathleen Lindsey, Georgian College
Katie Lai, Algonquin College
Venessa Koch, Mohawk College
Danielle Emon, Consultant
Aura Hill, OCLS
Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)
Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College
Susan Lee, Conestoga College
Kent Reynolds, Niagara College
Sarah Gillard, George Brown College
Rosina Leung, Seneca College
Irene Sillius, Sheridan College
Angela Ashton, Lambton College
Liana Giovando, OCLS
Action Items from Previous Meeting
- Kathleen Lindsay to present a Bookwhere “How-To”/demonstration at the next subcommittee meeting (09/21)
- Lauren Rupert to change the language of “See MARC Standards?” to “Consult MARC Standards” and provide links to the relevant standards page.
- Lauren Rupert to complete the “Audio-CD” and “Audiobook” sections
Discussion Items
Welcome to the Met/Cat Subcommittee, Venessa!
Welcome to Venessa from Mohawk College; we are thrilled to have you working with us!
Subcommittee Chair Update from Implementation Steering Committee (Dijana)
There is no Implementation Steering Committee update for this meeting - their last meeting was cancelled.
Decide on Withdrawals from the NZ
Question: should we keep bib records in NZ even after the last college removes their own holdings records?
The subcommittee moved that we should get rid of bib records in the NZ even after the last college removed their own holding record. This was advocated for the following reasons:
The records are likely to be out of date or have some form of duplication.
However, a record with an OCLS number and good cataloguing should be held onto
It would be likely that there are orphan records in the system and that people would be using newer/newest records - these records should be deleted after a certain date (6 months, for instance)
It would need to be decided if this would be a manual or an automated process - this decision would impact how often a ‘cleaning’ could occur.
It was decided that the topic is worth revisiting and discussing more at a later date.
External Resources List - Decision
Issues in discovering how to copy catalogue from resource sharing records into the personal catalogues (exporting)
Placement Options - the placement option NEEDS to be set to Network Zone (NZ); if you set it to Institution Zone (IZ/local), you will not see the external search options in the results; their visibility is dependent on selecting the NZ option.
List of Working External Resources:
University of British Colombia (UBC) - Academic Institution
University of Alberta (UAlberta) - Academic Institution
University of Toronto (UofT) - Academic Institution
Dalhousie University (Dal) - Academic Institution
Ohio State University (OSU) - Academic Institution
Yale University (YU) - Academic Institution
Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) - Consortium
Toronto Public Library (TPL) - Public Library
List of Non-Functioning External Resources:
Queen’s University (QU) - Academic Institution
Université Laval (UL) - Academic Insitution
Lakehead University (Lakehead U) - Academic Institution
University of Ottawa (uOttawa) - Academic Institution
University of Victoria (UVic) - Academic Institution
University of Windsor (UWindsor) - Academic Institution
Northern Alberta Insitute Technology (NAIT) - Academic Institution
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Academic Institution
Massicuchites Institution of Technology (MIT) - Academic Institution
Havard University (HU) - Academic Institution (freezing specifically)
University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) - Academic Institution
Bookwhere has a feature that rates how complete an RDA and MARC record available for download is.
A concern of this subcommittee is the availability of collections with good working resources (good scope, etc.).
It was suggested that we begin with the resources from working institutions that are already favoured by Subcommittee members (for their record quality and variety), such as Ohio State and Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC)
There needs to be a continued investigation of Connection and Bookwhere to create a better base of information.
The subcommittee can begin including recommendations to other colleges to utilize the 8 working institutions listed above in their Network Zone (NZ) work in the workflow/recommendations from the Met/Cat subcommittee.
ACTION ITEM: Kathleen Lindsay to present a Bookwhere “How-To”/demonstration at the next subcommittee meeting (09/21)
Creation of Shared Templates based on Standards OCLS priority
It was agreed that it would be nice to have the Shared Templates based on Standards prioritized; however, the subcommittee also realizes that there may be more pressing/urgent projects on the OCLS agenda.
The subcommittee has identified three (3) Shared Templates based on Standards that they would like to begin with
Streamed Video
Streamed Audio
This topic keeps emerging as Danielle continues her work on the workflows
The templates would outline what is needed for brief records (the minimum standards)
There was the idea presented for templates for multi-volume sets (to provide standardization)
The subcommittee agreed that it is most important to identify our priorities and move from that point.
Review CLO Metadata Standards
DVDs, Audio-Streaming, Audio-CD, Audio Cassette, and Audiobook
It was agreed that the “Additional Information” sections can be blank
ACTION ITEM: Lauren Rupert to change the language of “See MARC Standards?” to “Consult MARC Standards” and provide links to the relevant standards page.
ACTION ITEM: Lauren Rupert to complete the “Audio-CD” and “Audiobook” sections
Review Draft Resource Management (Cataloguing & Acquisitions) Workflows (Deferred)
Physical Resources
No acquisitions order data and no bibliographic record
No acquisitions order data, but the vendor provides a bibliographic record
With acquisitions order data and vendor-provided bibliographic record
Electronic Resources
Single items
Collections (using the instructions Liz followed to create import profiles in the NZ)
NZ/IZ Linking (draft is currently under review by Ex Libris Tier 2 support.)
(anything else that Danielle should focus on?)