*Meeting rescheduled from 2022-07-20 due to environment release*
This committee will meet on a bi-weekly meeting going forward - the next meeting is August 10th, 2022
Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS
Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College
Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College
Susan Lee, Conestoga College
Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College
Carrie Cousineau, St. Lawrence College
Irene Sillius, Sheridan College
Katie Lai, Algonquin College
Danielle Emon, Consultant
Liana Giovando, OCLS
Aura Hill, OCLS
Lauren Rupert, Consultant (Guest)
Kent Reynolds, Niagara College
Tiffany Miller, Confederation College
Angela Ashton, Lambton College
Sarah Gillard, George Brown College
Rosina Leung, Seneca College
Najeeb Ahmed, Humber College
Action Items
- Dijana Kladnjakovic to bring https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/JWd27m2B to the ISC at the following meeting (not the directly upcoming meeting on 2022-06-09) (deferred)
- Everyone to look into what resources are available through Bookwhere and compare this to the list of pre-existing resources in Alma
- Aura Hill and Lauren Rupert to create/build LibGuide to house CLO Metadata Standards information
- Everyone to look through the NZ Decisions document and bring any questions/comments and concerns back to the next meeting
Discussion Items
Welcome, Katie Lai!! We are very excited to have you here!
Subcommittee Chair Update from Implementation Steering Committee (Dijana/Liana)
Minimal updates
Considerations about this committee to be made by committee members
Forming a working group to make linking NZ and IZ records
What the committee's future may look like
Meetings will be held bi-weekly from now on
Connexion Quote - Plan B and other options - Bookwhere? (Dijana/Stacey/Danielle)
There was a discussion about purchasing a Connexion subscription for the purpose of importing records into Alma - however, the subscription is beyond the scope of the budget
As an alternative option Bookwhere is being researched, if it would be beneficial and if a subscription is feazable
Bookwhere would rely on Z23950 sharing - allowing to harvest records from multiple universities. Unfortunately, it will also harvest information that may not be applicable to your college. A number of these libraries may already be accessible through Alma’s metadata editor
There may be a need for a new import profile that will “Clean” the records being imported
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to look into what resources are available through Bookwhere and compare this to the list of pre-existing resources in Alma
Come Go Live what we are asking the colleges not to do in terms of the NZ (Stacey/Danielle)
Just a gentle reminder to continue referring to the https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/SZ0dDNYg document
001/003 to 035 clean up for NZ after Go Live (Stacey/Liana)
The 001/003 combined to make the 035 field is causing issues in the 035 match points
We are hoping to resolve this issue post-go live,
At first, we were going to push back on accepting the data, but that was not possible
Ex-Libris has been contacted, and they will assist by providing information on how to clean the issue up in the NZ
We think this issue may be affecting IZs too. If this is the case, additional cleanup will be needed
More to come…
NZ linking Guidelines Update (Danielle/Liana)
How to stage the project, one college at a time, French colleges first? What timeline?
Project Purpose: For linking IZ to the NZ
There needs to be a little more work done before the guidelines can be released
There have been 2 workflows prepared to push out to this group - a draft workflow that involves matching, like OCLC and ISBN numbers
There is some follow up still required
Would allow French colleges link to and connect to the Network Zone
Possibility of creating a rota for linking - to avoid all colleges linking information at once
More information to come as sandbox is available for use again
More to be discussed in next meeting
CLO Metadata Standards
Metadata standards left to do
Notated Music,
CD-ROM info in other formats
Do we need Microform, Image, Mixed, Thesis?
Looking into making a User-Friendly format for the information so that it can be published and made accessible to the public
Simplified format (LibGuide, tables)
Straightforward/simplified information is needed - we are looking to create a concise, easily accessible guide that individuals can use without getting frustrated
Right now, a new LibGuide, created specifically for the CLO Metadata Standards information, will be created and linked to the pre-existing LibGuide.
ACTION ITEM: Aura Hill and Lauren Rupert to create/build LibGuide to house CLO Metadata Standards information
Sorted by material
With tables
Will be brought to the next meeting to discuss
Next Steps
Cataloguing Workflows:
2 drafts are in the works - to be looked at in future
These flows are not prescriptive, they were created just to have something down on paper and can be rearranged as needed
Cataloguing Tools in the NZ (Norm Rules, Templates)
NZ Decisions https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/hTZ2F2QB
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to look through the NZ Decisions document and bring any questions/comments and concerns back to the next meeting
Any other business (aob)?
Deferred Items
Curio, ACF and COD Report (Stacey)
This report is on what we learned from the test load
Deferred due to workload and urgency of other matters