To recommend all cataloguing and authorities activities including the migration and review of all bibliographic, holdings, item, and authority data and their configuration to ensure a smooth transition from existing systems to ExLibris/Primo/Alma?
Dijana Kladnjakovic (Co-Chair), Humber College -
Stacey Boileau (Co-Chair), OCLS -
Amanda Garbe, Northern College -
Angela Ashton, Lambton College -
Irene Sillius, Sheridan College -
Jasper Romo, Georgian College -
Mary-Margaret Mirtsos, Centennial College -
Mellissa Forget, St. Clair College -
Sarah Gillard, George Brown College -
Susan Lee, Conestoga College -
This subcommittee is responsible for the development of policies, guidelines and workflows regarding standard cataloguing and metadata activities, as well as facilitating discussions regarding local and consortial customization needs. Specific topics include but are not limited to: guidelines for item and bibliographic description, holdings data, data conversion, authority control, and data clean-up.
Areas of Responsibility
· Develop and maintain system wide policies, best practices, and workflows for metadata practices within the ALMA Library Services Platform (LSP), throughout the Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS) and Network Zone?
· Create a metadata migration strategy to bibliographic, holdings, item, and authority data from individual college systems to a shared ALMA LSP consortial environment
· Recommend LSP configuration, including cataloguing management across OCLS and Network Zone
· Review needs and options for cataloguing and metadata training and recommend training plans to the CLSP Implementation Steering Committee and Training/Communication/PR Subcommittee
· Work closely with the current College Libraries Ontario (CLO) and OCLS cataloguing working groups to oversee the metadata standards, policies, and best practices
· This subcommittee will maintain regular communication with related subcommittees and current working groups to ensure scope is proactively managed where there is potential for overlap, duplication, or omission
Expectations of Members
Meetings will be held as needed, with the recognition that work of the subcommittee may need to take place outside of meeting times. Meetings will be called by the Co-Chairs. Meetings will take place via video conferencing platform MS Teams. Minutes will be taken on a rotating basis. Agendas and meeting minutes will be circulated to the subcommittee membership by email and also posted to the collaborative space.