- Tiffany.Miller (Unlicensed) to propose the initial 5 terms to be suppressed and email to the subcommittee members.
- Jmandal to bring the draft of suppressed terms to the ISC
- Liana Giovando to add the suppressed terms list to the ISC agenda
- Jmandal to create a “disclaimer” note for the draft of suppressed terms clarifying that these are not necessarily the “most important”, that are simply 5 terms that we decided to start with
- Travis Winwood to reach out to colleague about choosing 5 initial terms
- Liana Giovando to contact Ex-Libris about a meeting/Study Group for Configurations and IZ Decisions post Go Live
Update from Implementation Steering Committee
Briefing Note Draft: Briefing Note NN - LC Terms to be Suppressed in Primo VE /wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/475856937
Liana to prepare draft letter to Decolonize the Catalogue Committee including a summary of our proposal to select five terms to start with and a “disclaimer” note for the draft of suppressed terms clarifying that these are not necessarily the “most important”, that are simply 5 terms that we decided to start with. Accept that we make mistakes but the biggest would be to do nothing. At the same time, there are so many groups working on this issue so we want to circulate our proposal widely.
Resource Sharing
How to: remove "Resource Sharing" from Request options : https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/23965261/messages/5065819388#__recording_5066248349
leave Resource Sharing "on" and have our staff pick those up for processing: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/23965261/messages/5077397886
Resource sharing vs ILL in Primo (La Cité) : https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/23965261/messages/5079190127#__recording_5104457290
Any other items
Permitted Uses service proposal