- Liana Giovando / Aura Hill to request CLO add tab for Alma & Primo Guide on CLO website.
- Liana Giovando / Aura Hill develop communication about due dates for survey for colleges and add April 26 due date to Notes for Cutover pages.
- Everyone to consider the potential formalization of OCLS authority/management of Network Zone/upholding of standards, etc.
- Liana Giovando will give details of new Niagara members to sub-committee chairs.
- Aura Hill to invite new members to Confluence and add to meeting invites.
User Experience: They are working on two new proposed Briefing Notes. In relation to Briefing Note 07 - Resource Sharing Model /wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/473333772 from the previous meeting; Liana confirmed that there is no impact to Rapido or Worldshare with Ex Libris and the Briefing Note is considered approved.
TCPR: There was a branding presentation on April 4 with 2 old names and 2 new names; Libra, Point, Ref and Veri. A feedback survey link will be sent out to our branding feedback pool this week.
SAD: SIS Integration Decisions for Improved Analytics /wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/362643457 Briefing Note will be finalized, no feedback received from colleges. BOLT-CLSP Working Group going well. They are thinking about setting up a group for PeopleSoft but that group may need to be initiated/facilitated by the subcommittee as there is no pre-existing group.