Stephanie Black, Lambton College
Shannon Arsenault, Northern College
Katrina Hansen, Centennial College
Travis Winwood, Algonquin College
- Liana Giovando to move ILL survey into Microsoft Forms
- Liana Giovando will draft Briefing Note for Recommendation for Resource Sharing Model
- Lisa Di Barbora will work on a briefing note to share with the subcommittee members for feedback.
- Liana Giovando will start a draft briefing note on Configuration and maintenance of a list of exact offensive terms in each Primo VE instance and the subcommittee will revisit at their next meeting.
- Everyone please provide your feedback on the ILL Survey by Wednesday to Liana
- Liana Giovando / Aura Hill will communicate the subcommittee changing the name to User Experience via Confluence and Jmandal will inform ISC at their Thursday meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Lisa will work on a briefing note to share with the subcommittee members for feedback. Briefing Note NN - Overarching statement as an ongoing commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Develop a procedure for the colleges to follow that will ensure the configuration and maintenance of a list of exact offensive terms in each Primo VE instance as per the MetCat’s Briefing Note
06 - Consortial Treatment of LC Subject Headings
The objective is to develop a briefing note about recommending that all college suppress offensive terms and a procedure on how to do that.
This would involve referring to Decolonized the Catalogue research, describing the procedure to suppress offensive terms in Primo VE.
The subcommittee agrees to use link in Ex Libris Knowledge Center for the instructions.
There is a need to determine if the list of offensive terms is being developed and maintained by the Decolonize the College Catalogue Subcommittee, as well as determining how to make the list (and its updates) available to colleges
The timeline is in advance of Go Live - not high priority.