- All to consider license and contracts in your library that have language to permit ILL and/or sharing of electronic resources.
- Katrina Hansen to work on initial survey questions on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/Bhk1rU8H page.
- Travis WinwoodKatrina Hansen to ask ILL staff if they know of consortium ILL policies
- Aura Hill to send out Doodle poll for recurring meeting in 3 weeks.
It will be take 2-3 weeks to develop and then have responses by the end of March.
A meeting to review finalize the results survey and then a meeting to review results.
4. Discovery Working Group? - a group to guide colleges through decisions related to Primo that will help facilitate user access to resources and ease library staff decision making fatigue.
(Deferred to next meeting)
a. Is this committee interested in planning and guiding decisions for the rest of the colleges regarding Discovery? Something similar to what Orbis Cascade is doing with the Discovery and User Experience group: https://www.orbiscascade.org/programs/dux/documentation/
b. Do the colleges want a NZ Primo Instance? What are potential use cases for a NZ Primo Instance?
Other Items for Discussion
Subcommittee name? (Deferred to next meeting
ACTION ITEM: Aura to send out Doodle poll for recurring meeting in 3 weeks.