Shannon Arsenault, Northern College
Lisa DiBarbora, Humber College
Travis Winwood, Algonquin College
Stephanie Black, Lambton College
Christine Chiasson, Mohawk
Action Items
- Liana Giovando and Jmandal to bring the Briefing Note LC terms to be Suppressed to the ISC for approval
- Liana Giovando and Jmandal to make a recommendation to the ISC that a special working group be created to implement Resource Sharing in Colleges.
- Everyone is encouraged to complete the following survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tAn_DF4wiEyykX-d8Bj00JRIcSwjUj5MuzsRVYlgustUMzNFVktPSzJLMlpNNTYxVTVVV1EwQ0JaSi4u