- Everyone: If you notice communication channels/tools where you may/will talk about new library system, please list on https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/c/GXhhLNd1 page.
- Aura HillLiana Giovando to send Save the Date for Holiday Party and send note to college liaisons asking for they to provide names of library staff who have participated in the project
- Liana Giovando to scope budget for small gift for participants.
- Everyone to think of possible Kahoot questions and submit to Jennifer.
- Aura Hill to move branding survey to Microsoft Forms
ISC response to Briefing Note Funding request to hire a branding consultant /wiki/spaces/CIS/pages/329973767
Alexandra and Jane prepared briefing note. IT is still being reviewed by ISC and will be decided upon once survey is completed. The goal is to complete survey and get ISC approval next week.