Metadata standards left to do
Notated Music,
CD-ROM info in other formats
Do we need Microform, Image, Mixed, Thesis?
Looking into making a User-Friendly format for the information so that it can be published and made accessible to the public
Simplified format (LibGuide, tables)
Straightforward/simplified information is needed - we are looking to create a concise, easily accessible guide that individuals can use without getting frustrated
Right now, a new LibGuide, created specifically for the CLO Metadata Standards information, will be created and linked to the pre-existing LibGuide.
ACTION ITEM: Aura Hill and Lauren Rupert to create/build LibGuide to house CLO Metadata Standards information
Sorted by material
With tables
Will be brought to the next meeting to discuss
Cataloguing Workflows:
2 drafts are in the works - to be looked at in future
These flows are not prescriptive, they were created just to have something down on paper and can be rearranged as needed
Cataloguing Tools in the NZ (Norm Rules, Templates)
NZ Decisions https://clo-collaboration-spaces.atlassian.net/l/cp/hTZ2F2QB
ACTION ITEM: Everyone to look through the NZ Decisions document and bring any questions/comments and concerns back to the next meeting